Versions Compared


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  • Right click on the Dialogic IMG EMS object and select New Signaling Variants. A Signaling Variants object will appear. Nothing needs to be configured in this object. The Signaling Variants object is a parent object and no configuration is needed here. For more information on this object, refer to the IMG 1010 - Signaling Variants topic.

  • Right click on the Signaling Variants object and select Import Variant Table. A Configure Import Variant Table box appears. Select the variant from drop down menu of the Import File Name field. Variant file will have a .xml extension. Refer to screen capture below. Select Next >> button.

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  • Verify the variant in the Import File Name field is correct and select Finish. The variant will now be displayed under the Signaling Variants object in the object tree in ClientView. The icons for the variant will display a cached icon. This indicates that the variant has been cached and has not been sent to the 1010 IMG.

  • Click on one of the cached icons in the configuration tree and click on the Save Variant Table button located under the variant object pane. Clicking on the Save Variant Table button will send the variant to the .csa file being configured. The icons displaying the cached symbol in the variant object tree will now change to an icon with a check symbol indicating the variant is configured on 1010 IMG. At this point depending on which type of variant being configured, the variant will be selectable in either the SS7 Stack, the SIP-T entity object, or the Channel Associated Signaling object under the CAS Channel group. Once associated with one of these objects, the variant will used during call processing.


Variant Name

Signaling Type




E1 MFCR2 ITU. DN, ANI, & Category

E1_DNAICAT (E1_DNAICAT.xml) (E1 only)


E1 MFCR2 ITU. DN, Cat+ANI, & Category

FGB_mfr1 (FGB_mfr1.xml) (T1 only)

T1 Feature Group B using MFR1

T1 Feature Group B using MFR1

FGD_mfr1 (FGD_mfr1.xml) (T1 only)

T1 Feature Group D using MFR1

T1 Feature Group D using MFR1

IMG 1010 - Variant - Thailand


Thailand MFCR2

Spirou (Spirou.xml)


BritishTelecom (BritishTelecom.xml)


British Telecom SS7 ETSI V3

Brazil **


Brazil MFCR2

Telmex **


Telmex MFCR2


  • Right click on the Signaling Variants object again and select Export Variant Table. A Configure Export Variant Table box will appear. Select the variant from drop down menu in the Variant Table to export field. This field will display all the variants that have been either imported or created on the IMG. See screen capture below.

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  • In the Export File Name field, enter a Name that describes the variant being exported. In this procedure, the Export File Name given is the same as the signaling variant name (BritishTelecom). Select the Next >> button and then Finish in the Wizard Summary screen that appears.

  • The variant being exported has been saved in the /opt/dialogic/common/config/Imports directory on the linux server running GCEMS. The exported variant can be imported into a different IMG or can be modified and re-imported into the IMG the variant was originally exported from.


  • Right click on the Dialogic IMG EMS object and select New Signaling Variants. A Signaling Variants object will appear. The Signaling Variants object is a parent object and no configuration is needed here. Refer to theĀ IMG 1010 - Signaling Variants topic for more information on this object.

  • Right click on the Signaling Variants object created and select New Signaling Variant. In this procedure the variant will be named New_Variant. Enter a name, Variant Type, Base variant, and Variant Id in this object. Refer to IMG 1010 - Signaling Variant topic for more information on populating the individual fields.

  • Right click on the Signaling Variant and select New Variant Entry. Refer to IMG 1010 - Variant Entry topic for more information on configuring this object. Continue to create Variant Entries until the new variant being created is complete.

  • Right click on the New_Variant being created in the object tree and select Save Variant Table button. By clicking on Save Variant Table button the variant created will now be saved in the .csa file being created for the ClientView application. Below is screen capture of the Export Variant Table displaying the new variant that was created and saved on the IMG.

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  • At this point depending on which type of variant is being configured, the variant will be selectable in either the SS7 Stack object, the SIP-T entity object, or the Channel Associated Signaling object under the CAS Channel group. Once associated with one of these objects, the variant will be used during call processing.


  • Right click on the Signaling Variants object created above and select Delete Variant Table. A Configure Delete Variant Table box will appear. Select the variant to delete from drop down menu of all variants created. See screen capture below.

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  • Select Next >> button.

  • Select Finish button. The variant will be deleted from the ClientView screen, the .csa file, and the IMG. Depending on the variant being deleted, it will no longer be displayed as a selection in the SS7 stack, the SIP-T entity object, or the Channel Associated Signaling object under the CAS Channel group.