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Translating into new languages

Weblate enables us to provide a continuous translation process, which means as new features are added or languages have not been localized, translations can follow closely behind. We also have defined access control mechanisms, so we have control over who has rights to push translations, and we can easily review contributions for accuracy. Currently Weblate supports over 150 languages out of the box and provides reports that allow us to quickly see the status of translations of the phone Web GUI and LCD


If you are interested in providing translations for Phones, you can get started by submitting a Code Submission. Please follow the directions on this page: Code License Agreement

When your agreement is approved, you will be able to log in with your username and password to Weblate and begin translating into the language of your choice.  If you do not have a account for please signup here.  This gives you login access to our forums, bug and feature tracker and wiki
