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IMG 1010 - Gracefully Upgrade IMG software in SS7 network


Feature 1404 "Graceful Upgrade IMG software in SS7 Network" adds to the IMG the ability to easily upgrade the IMG System Software in a Network that consists of an SS7 Primary Node, SS7 Secondary Node, and SS7 Remote Nodes. Previously, upgrading system software would require bringing all the nodes down at once, upgrading software, reconfiguration, and then start processing calls again. Feature 1404 adds the ability to upgrade the software in each individual IMG in a step by step process which will limit the number of calls lost during this process. Feature 1404 supports upgrading the IMG for up to two CI (Controlled Introduction) releases back. For example, anyone running software 10.5.0 or 10.5.1 can take advantage of this feature when upgrading to 10.5.2 software. The procedure below explains the steps required to accomplish the upgrade with a minimal amount of downtime.


  • Right Click on the Logical IMG object and select New Graceful Upgrade Manager.

  • The Graceful Upgrade Manager will get created with information about the current SS7 Network. For more information on this pane, see IMG 1010 - Graceful Upgrade Manager

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  • Disable any backup nodes that would be part of an N+1 Setup.

  • Optional:
    Before starting the upgrade process, note that there is an optional step that can be performed that will allow you to gracefully take the standby Out of Service ensuring there are no more calls being processed before proceeding. To accomplish this, Right Click on the node in the Graceful Upgrade Manager table and select Graceful Out Of Service.” See IMG 1010 - Graceful Shutdown of IMG for more information on the Feature.

  • To begin the upgrade process the "Upgrade SS7 Nodes" button will need to be pressed. This will bring up a dialog box that will allow you to reset the SS7 Standby Node.

  • Once you are ready to start the procedure, click the "Upgrade SS7 Nodes" Button in the Graceful Upgrade Manager Pane. The following dialog box will appear. Read the dialog and verify you have accomplished everything in the dialog box.

  • Once satisfied everything in dialog box list has been accomplished, hit the "Reset Standby" button.


  • In the Object Table under the Graceful Upgrade Manager pane, select a remote node. Right Click and select "Graceful Out of Service" as shown below. See Graceful Shutdown of IMG link above for more information.

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  • Allow the node to finish processing calls and go Out Of Service.

  • Once Out Of Service, select the remote node from the Object Table as shown above and select "Reset Node". The node will now reset and load latest revision software loaded earlier and ClientView will re-configure remote node and start to process calls again.

  • Continue upgrading remote nodes until all remote nodes have been upgraded.
