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Overlap Signaling (Sending)

There are two methods supported by the IMG 2020 to interwork Called Party Number digits between SIP & SS7. One method labeled Enbloc requires that all the Destination address information be included in the IAM or INVITE. The other method is Overlap.  The IMG 2020 supports both Overlap Sending and Overlap Receiving. In these methods, the destination address is contained in the IAM message as well as the subsequent SAM sequence of messages. The IMG 2020 creates a series of INVITES. Each invite contains one or more destination address digits. The received digits are buffered until the configured minimum number of digits is received at which point the outgoing call is made with the destination address Enbloc. Refer to the Overlap Signaling (Receiving) topic.


  • Right click on Routing Configuration and selecting New Channel Groups. The Channel Groups object is a container object for individual channel groups to be created under. No configuration is needed. For more information, refer to the Channel Groups topic.

  • Right click on Channel Groups object and select New Channel Group. Enter a Name to identify this channel group and select SS7_ISUP from drop down menu in the Signaling Type field.

  • In the Overlap Enable field select Enabled from drop down menu. This will enable Overlap and opens the four fields displayed below. Edit the fields described below to configure Overlap signaling. Refer to the Channel Group topic for other information on configuring the channel group object.

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  • Termination Digit - Select from drop down menu the characters #, *, and 0-9.

  • Minimum # of Digits - Minimum number of digits received to be able to route call.

  • Inter SAM Timeout - Maximum amount of time between each Subsequent Address Method (SAM).

  • Total Overlap Timeout - Max time allowed for a call to be setup.

  • Create and configure a SIP channel group by right clicking on Routing Configuration and select New Channel Group. Either enter a name that identifies this channel group or accept the default entry.

  • Select SIP from drop down menu in the Signaling Type field.

  • In the Overlap Enable field select Enabled from drop down menu. This will enable Overlap and opens the following two fields for editing. See screen capture below.

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  • Termination Digit - Not Used. SIP does not use termination digits.

  • Minimum # of Digits - Minimum number of digits received to be able to route call.

  • Inter SAM Timeout - Maximum amount of time between each Subsequent Address Method (SAM).

  • Total Overlap Timeout - Not Used.
