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Call Trace - MWI

Code Block
14:17:47.393 CALL(SIP) (00:00001:00)
                        ---> [, 5060]
                       NOTIFY sip:8473339552@ SIP/2.0\r\n
                       Event:message-summary\r\n                        <--------
                       Via: SIP/2.0/UDP\r\n
                       Max-Forwards: 70\r\n
                       From: sip:8003330002@\r\n
                       To: sip:8473339552@\r\n
                       Call-ID: 1-2464@\r\n
                       Cseq: 1 NOTIFY\r\n
                       Contact: <sip:8003330002@>\r\n
                       Content-Type: application/simple-message-summary\r\n
                       Content-Length:    42\r\n
                       Messages-waiting: yes\r\n                        <--------
                       Voice-Message:  1/0
14:17:47.393 CALL(SIP) (00:00001:00) RCVD NOTIFY from udp
14:17:47.393 CALL(SIP) (00:00001:00)      with Via sent-by:
14:17:47.393 CALL(SIP) (00:00001:00) NOTIFY request without matching subscription
14:17:47.393 CALL(SIP) (00:00001:00) SENT Route Control to L4
14:17:47.393 CALL(L4)  (00:00001:00) RCVD Route Control from SIP
14:17:47.393 CALL(L4)  (00:00001:00) Accessing Route Table 2
14:17:47.393 CALL(L4)  (00:00001:00) Accessing Resource Table 1
14:17:47.393 CALL(L4)  (00:00001:00) SENT Route Control Ack to SIP
14:17:47.393 CALL(SIP) (00:00001:00) RCVD Route Control Ack from L4
14:17:47.393 CALL(SIP) (00:00001:00) Session Group Profile ID is 1
14:17:47.393 CALL(SIP) (00:00001:00) Messages-Waiting: yes
14:17:47.393 CALL(SIP) (00:00001:00) SENT Service Request to GCL
14:17:47.393 CALL(GCL) (00:00001:00) RCVD Service Request from SIP
14:17:47.393 CALL(GCL) (00:00001:00) Incoming Channel Group = 12 [Workstation]
14:17:47.393 CALL(GCL) (00:00001:00) Invoke TCAP MWI Service            <--------
14:17:47.393 CALL(GCL) (00:00001:00) Stack 0x00 SSN 0xf7 Dialog 0x00000001
14:17:47.393 CALL(GCL) (00:00001:00) SENT PPL Event TC Query w/Permission Primi tive Set to TUSI
14:17:48.473 CALL(GCL) (00:00001:00) RCVD PPL Event for TCAP dialog 0x00000001
14:17:48.473 CALL(GCL) (00:00001:00) PPL Event TC Response Primitive Set
14:17:48.473 CALL(GCL) (00:00001:00) Dialog primitive TC Response
14:17:48.473 CALL(GCL) (00:00001:00) Component primitive TC Result L
14:17:48.473 CALL(GCL) (00:00001:00) MWI TCAP SUCCEEDED                 <--------
14:17:48.473 CALL(GCL) (00:00001:00) SENT Service Response to SIP
14:17:48.473 CALL(SIP) (00:00001:00) RCVD Service Response from GCL
14:17:48.473 CALL(SIP) (00:00001:00) SENT 200 OK NOTIFY to UDP
14:17:48.473 CALL(SIP) (00:00001:00)
                        <--- [, 5060 <-, 5060]
                       SIP/2.0 200 OK\r\n
                       Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;received=
                       Call-ID: 1-2464@\r\n
                       From: sip:8003330002@\r\n
                       To: sip:8473339552@;tag=a94c095b773be1dd6e8d
                       Contact: <sip:8473339552@>\r\n
                       CSeq: 1 NOTIFY\r\n
                       Server: Dialogic-SIP/ 1010_NODE_0 0\r\n
                       Event: message-summary\r\n
                       Content-Length: 0\r\n