Failover of Inbound DIDs
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Click on the "My Account" option at the top of the page
Click on the Trunk Groups tab
Click on the Configure Failover option for your Trunk Group
Define your failover options as outlined below:
Primary Failover
Failover FQDN/IP: In the event that your system is not registered or our servers cannot reach you, you can provide an IP or full domain where we should try to deliver your calls. The typical format would be "" By default, we will assume port 5060 if not provided. If you have any per-DID failover settings, we will try this IP/FQDN before trying the per-DID number. If we can't deliver the call to this address and you have a failover number set, we will send the call there. This is considered an advanced feature of PBX configuration, and your PBX configuration is not included with our free SIPStation support. We do offer paid support services if you would like help with this.
Trunk Group Name: If your account is setup with more then 1 Trunk Group as outlined here you can choose to set this failover to that Trunk Group instead of a IP Address.
Secondary Failover
Failover Number: In the event that your system is not registered or our servers cannot reach you, you can provide a 10-digit phone number where we should send the calls. If you have an IP/FQDN set up, we will try that first. If you have a per-DID failover number we will ignore the global failover number and use the per-DID failover number instead.
If you only want to failover to a phone number you can skip setting a Primary Failover and only set the Secondary Failover to the phone numbers you want us to forward calls to.
Click on the "DIDs" option at the top of the page.
You can define a failover number for each DID. If a failover number is defined, you will see the number. Otherwise you will see a "Configure" link.
Clicking on "Configure" or a phone number in the right-hand column will bring up a window to let you update or delete the failover number.
Optionally, if you need to set numerous DIDs to the same failover number, you can use the Mass Operations "Failover" button at the bottom of the page.
From here pick which DIDs you want to set the failover on by holding your "ctrl" key on your keyboard and picking which DIDs you want to set failover on and the DID. All selected DIDs will turn Grey in color.
Enter the failover number, and click the "Update Failover" button.
How to Set Up Failovers from the FreePBX SIPSTATION Module
Scroll down to "Account Settings" section. You will find a Global Failover field.
Enter a 10- or 11-digit number that you would like your inbound calls forwarded to in the event your PBX is unreachable by SIPStation trunking servers as outlined above.
Press the "Update Account Info" button to submit the changes to SIPStation. Your changes should be active within 60 seconds.
Info |
Optional DIDs Now that you have set a global failover number, you can optionally set failover numbers for individual SIPStation DIDs. If you do not set failover numbers for any DIDs, and we cannot deliver your call, we will look to the global failover number set above. If the DID has its own failover number, we will use that instead of the global number. |