From the Extensions landing page click on the Add New Virtual Extension button.
Add Extension
User Extension
If Create New User is selected above, or if you are linking this extension to an existing user, you can add the user to one or more groups. Groups are defined in the User Management module, so if you haven't created any groups, none will show up here. To add this user to a group, click inside the field, and available groups will show up in a menu. You can start typing to quickly find a group. Click on a group name to add it to the field. Repeat the process if you with to enter multiple groups.
Click on the Voicemail tab.
If you wish to enable voicemail, click the Yes button next to Enabled in order to allow editing the options below.
Yes/No: Whether to enable voicemail for the user.
Whenever you enter information into the 0, 1, and/or 2 options below, you should run a test to make sure the number is functional, because otherwise the caller might become stranded or receive messages about a number being invalid.
Yes/No: Whether to enable the VMX Locater feature. Set to Yes if you would like to enable this feature and edit the options below.
Click on the Find Me / Follow Me tab.
Find Me / Follow Me is enabled by default here so that you may edit the settings. After entering settings, you can disable it if desired.
General Settings
Yes/No: Whether to enable Find Me / Follow Me. Must be set to Yes (at least temporarily) in order to edit other settings on this page. If you leave it set to Yes, Find Me / Follow Me will be active for this extension when you save the extension and apply config. You can set to No to disable Find Me / Follow Me for an extension until the user activates it.
Click on the Advanced tab.
There are many settings in this tab. See below for explanations of the options.
Assigned DID/CID