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2024-09-02- This group of features is in an Open Beta release

With Sangoma Connect module versions, and, these features are free to use for all licensed Sangoma Phone desktop voice users.

The beta period will extend through the end of the Sep 2024 while we finalize development. In the coming weeks we’ll announce a date for the end of the beta period, after which these features will only be available with a separate licensing fee per user. License details and purchase instructions will be included in this announcement.


HTTPS setup is mandatory for queues to work. It can be set up from the System Admin page. The detailed wiki on how to configure HTTPS on FreePBX is available at this link.

Queue Configuration:

Queues can be configured from the Applications → Queues page. One can add/edit/remove the queues from here with different queue configurations.


  • The My Queues tab under the Talk tab will display those queues in which the user is a member. Here the user is given My Status permission by default, if the user is a member of at least one queue.

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  • Here the user can perform login/logout/pause/resume/set pause reason actions against individual queues or against all queues at a time.

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  • The Queues tab will be visible if at least one queue permission is set to Detailed View and it will list all the queues with that permission. The All Queues option summarizes all the queue details.

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  • Upon selecting a queue, a detailed view will be available in the right side panel. It will showcase member activity and calls waiting along with past calls summary.

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  • Here also the user can perform login/logout/pause/resume/set pause reason actions only for him/herself.

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    But if the logged in user have Queue Call Control permission, the user will be granted option to logout other logged in members.

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  • The Calls Waiting tab will show all the calls waiting in the queue along with other details such as caller id, number and wait time.

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  • If the logged in user have Queue Call Control Permission, additional options like configure call priorities (options include Normal and Move to Top), answer now and assign call to agent will be available.

    Answer Now: when answer now option is clicked, the call will be connected to the logged in user.
    Assign to Member: when a call is assigned to an agent, it will dial only for that agent.

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  • When a queue call is answered by an agent it will be displayed against the member in the Member Activity tab.

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  • If the user has supervisor permission (Detailed View or Queue Call Control) and Call Activity is configured with Monitor Permission, the following set of Call Monitoring options will be available. More details about Call Activity feature and its configuration can be found in this page

    Monitor  : The user can listen to the call without interfering.
    Whisper  : The user will be able to talk with the agent and vice versa. The customer on the call won't be able to hear the conversation between the user and the agent.
    Barge      : The user can join the call and talk with both the agent and the customer.

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  • Users can set alerts based on the number of calls waiting or wait time. Alerts can be set by clicking on the three dots option available on the right side of All Queues option in the Queues tab.

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  • The app sends the desktop notification if either one of the set alert conditions is met. The app will also show indications around the call waiting and wait time tabs.

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Queue Stats Reset: 

If you want to set a schedule for how often your queue stats will zero out, this is done in the queues application.  Edit your queue, click reset queue stats, toggle stats reset to "yes" and set your schedule there.
