Scribe users
Scribe Settings
Scribe Usage and Cost
Cost predictor option is available even if the system do does not yet have an active license for the “Scribe” module.
This option will help you to understand the current voicemail and call recording usage of your system, which will help you to make the decision to purchase the required SKUs for the transcription.
Please note, this is just an approximate estimatesestimate.
How to enable Scribe
The system administrator has the authority to enable or disable the Scribe transcription feature for individual users or groups through the user management User Management module.
Transcription services are tailored to individual user preferences.
We can enable/disable the transcription for Voicemail and Call recording services.
By default, transcription is disabled.
Enabling Scribe for Voicemail -
User Manager Group level
We You can enable/disable the transcription at the user manager group level as mentioned shown in below screenshot.
User Manager User level
Each user will have an option to either enable/disable the Scribe Voicemail transcription, or they can inherit the permissions from the associated group.
Enable Scribe for Voicemail to Email
Voicemail → Configuration screenshot where it shows how Scribe module is adding its own mail command configuration.
Enabling Scribe for Call Recordings
Allows the user to select which types of calls should be transcribed.
User Manager Group level
User Manager User level
Enabling the transcript visible visibility for UCP widgets
Allows user User Control Panel widgets allows users to access the transcription visible in UCP for cdrCDR, cdrpro CDRPro and voicemail Voicemail widgets.
User Manager Group LeveLeave
Usermanager User Manager User Level
Creating multi-channel or Stereo call recordings:
To achieve more accurate sentiment analysis from call recordings, it's beneficial to have multi-channel recording files.
Enabling this option will overwrite the post-call script configuration option , which will help the Scribe module to merge the generated recordings filefiles.
By default asterisk , Asterisk generates mono-channel recordings, hence enabling this feature will provide the better sentiments analysis along with the transcription.
more accurate transcription diarization.
(Diarisation is the process by which individual speakers are identified by separating out their speech.)
How to view transcriptions
We You can view the transcription via the Scribe dashboard. Click on the donut graphs to bring up the pertinent direction eg. inbound or outbound.
Voice transcription dashboard
Transcription Data
Voice Transcription dashboard will display displays the transcription data based on the “Report type” and “Date range” filter.
User can choose any of the following “Report type” filter -:
All Calls and Voicemails
Inbound Calls
Outbound Calls
Internal Calls
Inbound Voicemail calls
Internal Voicemail calls
Tabular view → by using “Switch view” option (in the upper-right corner).
How to view transcriptions
Example below shows positive sentiments.:
Example below shows negative sentiments -:
Playing back the audio along with the transcription
When you click on "Play," a UI model modal opens that displays both the audio file and the transcript. Users can easily navigate to any part of the audio by clicking on the corresponding text in the transcript.
This feature makes it simple easier to identify sections of the audio file with negative sentiments eg. click on the red part(s).
Example below shows the Neutral sentiments audio.:
Example below shows the negative sentiments audio:
How to view transcriptions in UCP
Scribe module is integrated with the existing voicemail and call recordings, so this provides easy a nice view of transcriptions against each voicemail or call recordings.
Voicemail widget in UCP
If the transcription is present against with the recording, then then the scribe icon will appear in the controls section to view the transcription.
Call Recording / CDR widget in UCP
CDR widget will display displays the transcription in the control section.
Integration with CDRPro module
Transcription access is also will be displayed against each displayed next to the call recording if the associated user has the transcription enabled.
Transcription and sentiments analysis will also be visible in the desktop client for the voicemail recordings.
Coming soon… Currently this is not available. Next release of Sangoma Desktop client will have this feature.
Transcription in Sangoma Talk Mobile Client
Transcription and sentiments analysis will also be visible in the Talk mobile client for the voicemail recordings.
Coming soon… Currently this is not available. Next release of Sangoma Talk app will have this feature.
Transcription Partner
The Scribe module is using Deepgram for transcribing the audio files and also for generating the AI based sentiment analysis. Please refer to the below docs from Deepgram to ensure that the recording files which we are sending over HTTPS connection to deepgram is secure and maintain the privacy compliance standard.