How many messages can my voicemail box hold?
By default, up to 60 mins of messages can be stored in your voicemail box.
What happens when my voicemail box is full?
Your callers will hear a message informing them you cannot accept more messages.
What should I do when my voicemail box is full?
Delete messages from your voicemail box.
This can be performed using your phone or the Switchvox user web interface.
How do I know when my voicemail box is almost full?
Your Switchvox Cloud System Admin can view your voicemail box storage.
This can be found in the Switchvox admin web interface. Your System Admin should navigate to Server - Disk Usage and select the Mailbox Usage tab. The percent of quota used is displayed for all users.
How can I prevent my voicemail box from being full?
Delete voicemails on a regular basis.
Use Switchvox's voicemail to email notification feature. This feature sends an email with an attached audio file of your voicemail. By selecting the "Delete Local Copy" option, voicemails will be automatically deleted from your Switchvox system as soon as they are emailed to you.
Review our support article for assistance in configuring this feature at - Notifications
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