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Switchvox Cloud running version 7.3.1 or later is configured so that when a user dials 911, a notification is sent to the email address(es) specified by your company administrators.

Please review the Switchvox Cloud Emergency Dialing Notifications article for more information and instructions needed to make modifications to the distribution of those Emergency Dialing Notification emails.

Introducing: Switchvox Desktop Softphone

The Switchvox Desktop Softphone for Windows and macOS is now available in Switchvox Cloud version 7.3.1.

The download links for the macOS and Windows apps are available on the home page of the Switchvox Administrator's web suite. This is accessed at

The phone is freely available for use by all Switchvox Cloud users, once configured by your company admin.

The Softphone phone can manage up to 2 calls at a time, and features include Hold, Blind Transfer, Record an active call, Favorites, Call Log, Visual Voicemail, Contacts, and Status.

Minimum requirements: macOS 10.13 or Windows 7 (64-bit). 

User-added imageImage Modified

Assign a Desktop Softphone to a User


  • Download the macOS or Windows app (links provided by your Switchvox Administrator).

  • In the app, indicate your Switchvox Cloud URL (e.g.,

  • Log in using your Main extension number, and password for web tool access (this password can be changed in the Profile Information of a phone extension in the Switchvox Web Suite). 

  • To ring your desktop softphone on incoming calls, use the Switchvox web suite to navigate to Features > Call Rules, and modify your Call Rules as appropriate. 

  • The phone uses your computer's sound settings for the audio input and output devices.

  • Important: if you are running a firewall application on your computer, you may need to allow incoming connections in the firewall, to ensure that calling works.


Call Pickup is managed by a Switchvox administrator, and uses a new setting in the Switchvox administrator’s web suite, the Directed Pickup Ringtone setting found on SIP Phone extensions, under Digium Phones:Contact Settings. For instructions, see Call Pickup for Digium Phones.

Switchboard Updates

  • Queue Member Activity and Queue Overview widgets have a new setting available, allowing you to "Only show logged in Members." This setting is off by default.

  • Switchboard has a visual change, with some elements updated to be more consistent with the appearance of Digium IP Phone model D80 and the Switchvox Softphone for mobile. If a user reports not seeing this expected difference, then the browser’s cache will need to be refreshed.These images show the old and new My Calls widget.


  1. SSH into the customer instance ssh

  2. Confirm TLS is currently disabled with a value of 1 returning from the command:  psql asterisk postgres -c "SELECT * FROM registry WHERE key = 'disable_dcs_tls'"
