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NBE Troubleshooting Information (a101/2/4/8/a200)


These steps will place NBE into development mode which will produce detailed logs of each call made on the system. 

Please note that these changes will not persist if NBE is restarted. You will have to enable development mode again after a restart.

From the Netborder main page:

>>R2 Customers Click HERE to enable R2 Logging as well<<

>>If this is an audio issue CLICK HERE to enable recording as well<<

>>How to include PRI D-Channel pcap tracing<<

  1. Click the logging tab.

  2. Next to the "Mode" property in the list, click on the word "Production" and change it to "Development" in the dropdown menu.

  3. Click somewhere outside the box to complete the selection.

  4. The Apply button will become active. Click Apply.



Additionally, please send all of the folders/files below; please insure you zip all of the files up before emailing.

  • C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\wanpipelog.txt 

  • C:\Program Files\Netborder\Express\Gateway\logs

  • C:\Program Files\Netborder\Express\Gateway\config

Linux Users send in the following information:

  • /var/log/messages

  • /opt/Netborder/Express/Gateway/config

  • /opt/Netborder/Express/Gateway/logs