For all Sangoma Products and Services (not including PBX or phone features), please open a Feature Request ticket using the steps below. Your request will be reviewed and handled by the Sangoma Product Management team as described below.
Note |
IMPORTANT Sangoma Rights Notice: By submitting a Feature Request, you are giving to Sangoma all applicable intellectual property rights to use any ideas or information in your Feature Request without limitation, indefinitely and worldwide, in any product, service, or publication, without any payment or compensation to you or to your company. You agree that your sole consideration for your submission is your potential benefit from the Feature Request, if it is implemented by Sangoma, at any time and in any form, at Sangoma's sole discretion. By submitting a Feature Request, you are also certifying that you have permission of your company to do so, and are not aware of any conflict with your submission and any confidentiality or intellectual property rights of any third party. |
Enter your message below the subject line. Please describe the feature or enhancement request in detail. Here is some information that you should include if possible:
Which specific product(s) your feature request applies to
Describe how the feature would work in as much detail as needed for understanding.
Explain why this feature would be useful to your company (if necessary).
Refer to any specifications that may apply.
If you believe there is a business case for the feature, please state briefly what it is, or request Sangoma Sales to contact you about it.
Optional: You can provide attachments such as screenshots, pictures, and documents by clicking the Add File. The more details you can provide, the more likely your feature is to be understood and implemented.
Log into http://support.sangoma.com
Click on My Tickets
Click on the title of the ticket (large blue text).