Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


  • The following only applies if text messaging will be used to communicate with the customers:

    • Due to government regulations, messages sent from the selected SMS number may be blocked if the number is not associated with an active SMS campaign in the SMS Campaign Registry application.

    • New SMS numbers can be purchased and registered via the SMS Campaign Registry app.



How to Access Appointment Scheduler Configurations.

The Appointment Scheduler can be accessed using a browser or within TeamHub. 


Note: If the configuration is active you must click the ( INACTIVATE ) button in the bottom right corner of the page before you can make any changes. Once you made all the desired changes, you must re-activate the configuration.


Delete an existing Configuration.

Select the Deleteoption from the Action ( ) icon for the desired Configuration.


  • Configuration Name - Enter a name for this configuration.

  • SMS Number - Select the SMS Number to use to communicate with the customer.

  • History Retention - Select how long to keep a history of the appointments for this configuration.

  • Error Email - Enter the email address where the notification can be sent if any errors occur with this configuration.

  • Next - Click the ( NEXT > ) button.



  • Apply Defaults - Click the ( APPLY DEFAULT ) button to use the default variables and links.

  • Set As Default - Click the ( SET AS DEFAULT ) button if you have added or updated any variables or links and want to set them as the default Variables and Links.

  • Next - After completing all changes, click the ( NEXT > ) button.


Add / Edit / Delete Variables

  • Add a variable - To add an additional Variable to this configuration, click the ( + VARIABLE ) button.

  • Edit a variable - Hover over the desired Variable and click the edit/pencil ( 🖉 ) icon.

  • Delete a Variable - To delete a Variable, hover over the desired Variable and click the ( ) icon.

Note: If you want these changes to be the default, Click the ( SET AS DEFAULT ) button.

Variable name - Enter the name for this Variable.

Value - Enter the value to be presented when this Variable is used.

Click the ( SAVE ) button.

  • Add a link - To add an additional Link to this configuration, click the ( + LINK ) button.

  • Edit a link - Hover over the desired Link and click the edit/pencil ( 🖉) icon.

  • Delete a Link - To delete a link, hover over the desired Link and click the ( ) icon.

Label - Enter the label name that will be displayed along with the link.

Link - Enter a valid URL or phone number to be presented.

Click the ( SAVE ) button.

Operating Times


After completing all changes, click the ( NEXT > ) button.



  • Add an Operating Time - To add an additional Operating Time, click the ( + OPERATING HOURS ) button.

  • Edit an Operating Time - To edit an Operating Time, hover over the desired Operating Time and click the edit/pencil ( 🖉 ) icon.

  • Delete an Operating Time - To delete an Operating Time, hover over an existing Operating Time and click the ( ) icon.

Day - Select a day of the week.

Start Time - Select the time of the day that the first appointment will be allowed.

End Time - Select the time of the day when no more appointments are allowed.
Note: The last available time will be the End Time minus the minutes in the default service.

Click the ( SAVE ) button.

Off Times


  • Add an Off Time - To add an additional Off Time, click the ( + Off Time ) button.

  • Edit an Off Time - To edit an Off Time, hover over the desired Off Time and click the edit/pencil ( 🖉 ) icon.

  • Delete an Off Time - To delete an Off Time, hover over an Off Time and click the ( ) icon.

Date - Select the scheduled Date for the time off.

Reason - Enter a Reason for the time off.

Start Time - Select the Start Time.

End Time - Select the End Time.

Click the ( Save ) button.

Services Provided


  • Add a Service - To add an additional Service, click the ( + Service ) button.

  • Edit a Service - To edit a Service, hover over the desired Service and click the edit/pencil ( 🖉 ) icon.

  • Delete a Service - To delete a Service, hover over an existing Service and click the ( ) icon.

After completing all changes, click the ( NEXT > ) button.

Service Name - Enter a descriptive name for the service.

Length (mins) - Enter the standard amount of minutes the service requires to complete.

Description - Enter a description of the service.

Color - Assign a color to each service to help distinguish between the different services in the calendar scheduler available in the Dashboard section.

Primary Service - Select True if you want this service to be presented at the beginning of the list of services when making an appointment.

Note: Only one service can be the primary service.

Click the ( Save ) button.



  • Apply Defaults - Click the ( APPLY DEFAULT ) button to apply the previously defined default setting for this section.

  • Set As Default - Click the ( SET AS DEFAULT ) button if you have added or updated any Branding and want to set them as the default Branding.

  • Next - After completing all changes, click the ( NEXT > ) button.



This section allows for adjusting the colors displayed for each Step/Status of an appointment. To adjust the color of each Step/Status, click the edit/pencil ( 🖉 ) icon, adjust the colors, and click the ( SAVE ) button

Link Styling

This section allows for adjusting the displayed colors of the links that were defined in the Variables & Links page. To adjust the colors of the links, click the edit/pencil ( 🖉 ) icon, adjust the colors, and click the ( SAVE ) button.

Button Styling


  • Click the edit/pencil ( 🖉 ) icon.

  • Adjust the colors.

  • Click the ( SAVE ) button.

Customize a Form


  • Add a Field - To add an additional Field, click the ( + Form Field ) button.

  • Edit a Field - To edit a Field, hover over the desired Field and click the edit/pencil ( 🖉 ) icon.

  • Delete a Field - To delete a Field, Hover over an existing Field and click the ( ) icon.

  • Next - After completing all changes, click the ( ACTIVATE ) button.


Field Name - Enter a descriptive name for the information you are requesting from your customers.

Type - Select the data type.

Text for short answers.

Paragraph for long descriptive answers.

Required - Select True if the field is required.

Click the ( Save ) button.

Page Properties

The Product owner can be found here: Product & Design Team.

Product Version

Date Published

Source file (URL if it exists)


What Changed




Migrated version




Format changes, Update browser access URL to
