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How to access the Phone Monitor application
To access the Phone Monitor application, follow these steps:
The Phone Monitor app can be accessed in 2 different ways.
If you are using Sangoma’s TeamHub, navigate to the Apps gallery on the homepage and Select Phone Monitor.
Sangoma Phone Monitor can also be accessed via a browser using this link and then select Send.
Log in using your Sangoma Business Voice portal credentials
The dashboard is the first page that appears after logging into the Phone Monitor.
Select the Configurations option in the Workspaces panel on the left side.
Click the + Configuration button at the top right corner of the Configurations page.
Create the desired configuration using the instructions below.
Click the Save button at the bottom of the form to save the changes.
Select the Configurations option in the Workspaces panel on the left side.
From the list of configurations, hover over the configuration to be edited and click on the Pencil/Edit icon that appears on the far right side of the row.
Make the desired configuration changes based on the Configuration Instructions below.
Click the Save button at the bottom of the form to save the changes.
Select the Configurations option in the Workspaces panel on the left side.
From the list of configurations, hover over the configuration to be deleted and Click on the Trash Can icon that appears on the far right side of the row.
Click Delete in the pop-up screen to confirm the deletion.
To cancel the deletion, click Cancel in the pop-up screen.
Select the Configurations option in the Workspaces panel on the left side.
From the list of configurations, hover over the configuration to be deactivated and Click on the Pencil/Edit icon that appears on the far right side of the row.
To deactivate a configuration, in the Status field, select Inactive.
To reactivate a configuration, in the Status field, select Active.
Click the Save button at the bottom of the form to save your changes.
Name * - Enter the name of the configuration.
Description * - Enter a description of this configuration.
SMS # * - This is the SMS number that will send out alerts via text message. Enter the Text messaging number that has been assigned to this license.
Status - Set Active or Inactive if you don’t want this configuration to be monitoring at this time.
What Should be monitored * - Select all endpoints or Specific locations and/or devices. If you select the later option, you will be required to add Locations and/or Extensions.
Locations:(Only visible if “Specific locations and/or devices” was selected)
Create an entry for each location that is to be monitored.
To Add an additional Location, click the + Location button.
In the location dropdown field, select the location to be monitored.
Click the Add button to save the entry.
Click the Cancel button to back out of the changes.
Extensions:(Only visible if “Specific locations and/or devices” was selected)
Create an entry for each Extension that is to be monitored.
To Add an additional Extension , click the + Extension button.
In the Extension dropdown field, select the Extension to be monitored.
Click the Add button to save the entry.
Click the Cancel button to back out of the changes.
Who to notify:
Create an entry for each person that is to be sent a notification.
To Add an additional Contact, click the + Contact button.
Name * - Enter a name for the person to be notified.
Email or Phone * - If the person is to be notified via email, enter the person's email address. If the person is to be notified via text, enter the person's SMS number. Click the Add button to save the entry.
Click the Cancel button to back out of the changes.
Notification Settings:
Custom Notification - Select this option if the contacts are to be notified when an endpoint has been offline for more than a configured amount of time.
Minutes offline - Select how long a device must be offline in order for it to be included in the report.
Ignore Softphones? - Set to Yes to ignore softphones.
Daily Snapshot - By selecting this option, the contacts will receive a list of all endpoints that are offline/unregistered at the time the report is generated. A notification will only be sent out if there are offline endpoints in the report.
Time to send report - Select or enter what time of the day a report should be sent out.the time. Note: all times use the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) as the time zone.
Ignore Softphones? - Set to Yes to ignore softphones. No to include softphones in the report.
Daily Summary- By selecting this option, the contacts will receive a list of all endpoint activities, including both offline/unregistered and online/registered events for each day.
Time to send report - Select or enter what time of the day a report should be sent out.the time. Note: all times use the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) as the time zone.
Ignore Softphones? - Set to Yes to ignore softphones. No to include softphones in the report.
SMS - Enter the text message that is to be included along with the list of events that will be sent to the contacts that are to be notified.
Email - Enter the email subject and the email message that is to be included, along with the list of events that will be sent to the contacts that are to be notified.