Versions Compared


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Delete. Clicking this icon displays a message that informs you that clicking the Yes, Delete button will permanently remove this peered Switchvox and its associated data. Clicking the Cancel button removes the deletion message and buttons.

Local Peer Settings

Name. Local Server is the default. We recommend you change this name to something that provides meaning to your peers.

Click the Save Local Peer Settings button when finished.


Create Peered Switchvox

If you wish to create some peers, click Create Peered Switchvox. Fill in the necessary fields, then click Save Peered Switchvox when finished.

Display Settings

Peer Name. Enter a unique name for the other Switchvox.

Connection Settings

Peer Host Address: Enter a unique hostname or IP address for the other Switchvox.


Peer’s SSL Certificate in PEM Format. Click the Fetch Certificate icon to download a certificate from the other Switchvox.

Advanced Connection Settings (arrow toggle)

NOTE: These settings typically do not need to be changed.


Alternate Incoming Host Addresses (Hostname or IP). Enter Hostnames or IP addresses. Switchvox treats incoming communications from these hosts as if they were from the primary host.

Call Settings

Dial Prefix. Enter any prefix needed. This is used to create an outgoing call rule.

Allow all extensions to dial peer. Select YES or NO. This is only available when you create the peer, and it ensures that every existing phone extension is allowed to dial the peer (the outgoing call rule is allowed).

Advanced Call Settings (arrow toggle)

NOTE: These settings typically do not need to be changed.
