In order to setup a new queue, you must first decide the following details:
Queue Name
Queue Type
Number of Callers allowed to Hold at once
Ring duration for each Agent
To create your queue, follow these steps:
Click on ACD --> add queue
Enter your queue's name next to the Queue Name field
Select the queue type from the Queue Type drop-down (choose from among ring-all, round-robin, round-robin with memory, ring random user, least recently answered, and fewest total calls)
Select the maximum number of callers allowed to hold at once from the Max. Holders drop-down.
Hold the control key and click on every agent that should be a member of the queue. Once all relevant agents are highlighted, click 'Add Agent'
From the Ring column, select the duration in seconds that each agent's phone should ring. 1 ring is approximately equal to 5 seconds.
Click Add Queue at the bottom of the page