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Below are instructions on how to configure the IMG 2020 to request Calling Party information from the SS7 side and then interwork the requested information into the SIP side. Before configuring, the IMG 2020 must have an initial configuration created on it. Refer to the Basic Configurations procedure and verify the basic functionality has been configured. In the procedure, the incoming side is SS7 and the outgoing side is SIP. Refer to the Configure SS7 and Configure SIP (Single SIP IP) or Configure SIP (Multiple SIP IP) for information on configuring these signaling protocols. 


  • Right click on the Profiles object and select New SIP SGP. Once SIP SGP pane is created, change the SIP Profile Id field to something other than 0 by selecting a different ID from the drop down menu. This will allow user to edit the SIP Profile (SGP) object.

  • Enter a name in the SIP Profile Name field that identifies the SIP Profile (SGP) being created. In this procedure, the SIP Profile (SGP) object was labeled SIP_Profile_CPR. Refer to SIP Profile - SGP topic for more information on configuring this object.


  • Right click on IMG EMS and select New External Network Elements. No configuration is needed here. The External Network Element pane is a container object to multiple external entities in the network. Refer to External Network Elements topic for more information.

  • Right click on the External Network Elements object and select New External Gateways. Again, no configuration is accomplished here. Refer to External Gateways object for more information.

  • Right click on External Gateways object and select New External Gateway. Enter a name to identify this gateway, modify the Gateway Signaling Protocol field to display SIP. In this procedure the External Gateway was labeled CPR_GW.

  • Enter the IP address of the Gateway in the Gateway IP Address field. In the SIP Profile field, select from drop down menu a SIP Profile (SGP) created earlier. Refer to screen capture below.


Refer to the External Gateway topic for more information.


  • Right click on the Routing Configuration object and select New Channel Groups. The Channel Groups object is a container or parent object. No configuration is needed within this object. For more information, refer to the Channel Groups topic.

  • Right click on Channel Groups object and select New Channel Group. Set theSignaling Type field to either SIP or H.323. and enter a name for this channel group.

  • Select Enabled from the drop down menu in the CPN/CPC retrieval via INR/INF field. Refer to screen capture below. The capture displays the last few fields of the Channel Group object.
    SIP and H323 Channel Group


Refer to Channel Group topic for more information on configuring a SIP Channel Group.


  • Right click on Channel Groups object again and select New Channel Group. Set theSignaling the Signaling Type field to SS7 and enter a name for this channel group. For more information on configuring this object, refer to the Channel Group topic.

  • Under the SS7 Channel Group, the ISUP Group and CICs will need to be configured. Refer top the ISUP Group and IMG 1010 - Circuit Group topics for information on configuring these objects. 


  • The call flows supported are from SS7 to SIP or from SS7 to H.323 only.

  • The feature is by default set to Disabled. The feature is enabled through ClientView in either the SIP or H.323 Channel Group object. Within this object is a field labeled CPN/CPC retrieval via INR/INF. The feature is enabled and disabled through this field.

  • If the fieldSIP field SIP ISUP CPC Mapping in the SIP Profiles (SGP) object is set to Disable, CPC information will not be sent to the SIP side. (From Header)

  • When feature is enabled and the IMG 2020 receives an IAM that contains a Calling Party's Number, the IMG 2020 will NOT send INR message back to SS7 network.

  • When the feature is enabled, on receipt of IAM that does NOT contain the Calling Party’s Number and the Calling Party’s category is “unknown” (0000 0000), the IMG 2020 will send an INR message back to the SS7 network requesting the Calling party number and Calling party’s category information.

  • If the INF comes back from the SS7 side with a Calling party number and/or the Calling party’s category, the IMG 2020 will add the CPN and/or update CPC to the already-received IAM and use all this information to create the INVITE on the SIP leg.

  • If the INF comes back from the SS7 side with a Calling party number and/or the Calling party’s category, the IMG 2020 will add the CPN and/or update CPC to the already-received IAM and use all this information to create the SETUP message on the H.323 leg.

  • If the INF comes back from the SS7 side without the Calling party number and/or the Calling party’s category, the IMG 2020 will send an INVITE or SETUP message without a Calling party number.

  • In the case where SIP Privacy is enabled, the mapping of the received Calling party number in the INF to the SIP side will follow the normal privacy rules as if the Calling party number was received in the IAM.