Edit the EPM template for the desired type of phone and edit the softkey assignment section to assign a softkey with the following settings:
Type: BLF
Label: Follow Me
Value: *21%line1Ext% (this uses the built-in EPM 2.11 basefile variable %line1Ext%, which is replaced by EPM with the specific extension for each phone, allowing the same template to automatically be customized for each extension – see EPM-Variables exposed in Base File Editor; for EPM 12, the variable name is different)
Account: Global
Advanced > State: only "Idle" is enabled as this key should only be used when the phone is not in active use
After saving the template, go to "Extension Mapping" and run the "Rebuild Configs" command for each phone using the modified template to push out the change to phone configuration files
Reboot phones to force an immediate reconfiguration or let them pick up the new template on a scheduled basis if they are configured to do so
Edit the EPM template for the desired type of phone and edit the softkey assignment section to assign a softkey with the following settings:
Type: BLF
Label: Do Not Disturb
Value: *76__line1Ext__ (this uses the built-in EPM ver. 12 basefile variable __line1Ext__, which is replaced by EPM with the specific extension for each phone, allowing the same template to automatically be customized for each extension – see EPM-Variables exposed in Base File Editor; for EPM 2.11, the variable name is different)
Account: Account1
States: only "Idle" is enabled as this key should only be used when the phone is not in active use
After saving the template, go to "Extension Mapping" and run the "Rebuild Configs" command for each phone using the modified template to push out the change to phone configuration files
Reboot phones to force an immediate reconfiguration or let them pick up the new template on a scheduled basis if they are configured to do so