This documentation provides the quickest, easiest setup for configuring your Vega100G/200G/400G device to SIP trunk directly to the SIPStation platform.
Locating your SIPStation Username and Password
You will need to know the SIP Username and Password for the SIPStation account being configured to the Vega100G/200G/400G to complete this setup.
Select the "Trunk Groups" tab. Your SIP username and password are shown. Take note of this information.
Configuring your Vega100G/200G/400G with Quick Config
The following instructions will help you set up a SIP trunk to the SIPStation peer and route the specified DID to an interface off the Vega100G/200G/400G device.
Navigate to the VoIP tab under the Quick Config wizard.
Select ‘Gateway’ for Registration Mode
Insert the SIPStation domain under
- use
Insert the SIPStation Server IP/Name
- use
Insert the SIPstation credentials under:
- Registration and Authentication ID: SIP Username
- Authentication Password: SIP Password
Select codec priority
- G711Ulaw, G711Alaw, G729 and t38udp
Next, Navigate to the T1/E1 tab under the Quick Config wizard.
Insert 'Telephone number list' ranges to route to the interface
- use '.*' wildcard unless specifying specific routing rules
Under Port Settings enter Protocol, Framing, NT/TE type and Channel Allocation
- example, Protocol type of NI2, Framing ESF/B8ZS, NE port and default Channel Allocations
Next, navigate to the Expert Config to modify outbound Caller-ID settings by selecting SIP / SIP Profiles / Modify and change the “From Header ‘userinfo’” to Calling Party.
Next, navigate to the E1/T1 page to disable unused interfaces and edit any port / ISDN settings.
Lastly, Apply Changes and Save configuration and Status Trunk
- Click on Apply Changes first, then Save until they are no longer in red color.
- Click on Status and then Show SIP Registrations, you’ll want to see registered.