This section will capture the APIs related with Framework or Module admin.
Install a Module
API - InstallModule
API Parameter -
Code Block |
"data": {
"installModule": {
"status": true,
"message": "Action[downloadinstall] on module[xmpp] has been initiated. Please check the status using fetchApiStatus api with the returned transaction id",
"transaction_id": "90"
} |
Uninstall a Module
API - uninstallModule
API Parameter -
Code Block |
"data": {
"uninstallModule": {
"status": true,
"message": "Action[remove] on module[xmpp] has been initiated. Please check the status using fetchApiStatus api with the returned transaction id",
"transaction_id": "91"
} |
Enable a Module
API: enableModule
API Parameter -
Code Block |
"data": {
"enableModule": {
"status": true,
"message": "Action[enable] on module[xmpp] has been initiated. Please check the status using fetchApiStatus api with the returned transaction id",
"transaction_id": "92"
} |
Disable a Module
API: disableModule
API Parameter -
Code Block |
"data": {
"disableModule": {
"status": true,
"message": "Action[disable] on module[xmpp] has been initiated. Please check the status using fetchApiStatus api with the returned transaction id",
"transaction_id": "93"
} |
Upgrade a Module
To upgrade a module.
API - upgradeModule
Code Block |
"data": {
"upgradeModule": {
"status": true,
"message": "Action[upgradeModule] on module[xmpp] has been initiated. Please check the status using fetchApiStatus api with the returned transaction id",
"transaction_id": "95"
} |
Upgrade All Modules
To upgrade all modules.
API - upgradeAllModules
Code Block |
"data": {
"upgradeAllModules": {
"status": true,
"message": "Action[upgradeAll] on module[] has been initiated. Please check the status using fetchApiStatus api with the returned transaction id",
"transaction_id": "95"
} |
Module operation
A generic API to perform all operation's e.g install/uninstall, enable/disable , delete/upgrade.
Code Block |
"data": {
"moduleOperations": {
"status": true,
"message": "Action[downloadinstall] on module[paging] has been initiated. Please check the status using fetchApiStatus api with the returned transaction id",
"transaction_id": "97"
} |
Fetch module status
An API to fetch the module status.
Code Block |
"data": {
"fetchModuleStatus": {
"status": true,
"module": "needUpgrade",
"message": "Module status found successfully"
} |
Asynchronous API Status
An API to check for the long-running api status
Code Block |
"data": {
"fetchApiStatus": {
"status": true,
"message": "Executed"
} |
Check if reload required
An API to check for if reload is required
Code Block |
"data": {
"fetchNeedReload": {
"message": "Doreload is not required",
"status": true
} |
An API to perform reload
API - doreload
Code Block |
"data": {
"doreload": {
"message": "Doreload/apply config has been initiated. Please check the status using fetchApiStatus api with the returned transaction id",
"status": true,
"transaction_id": "1299"
} |
Fetch Asterisk Details
An API to fetch the asterisk details.
Code Block |
"data": {
"fetchAsteriskDetails": {
"status": true,
"message": "Asterisk Details",
"asteriskStatus": "Running",
"asteriskVersion": "16.0",
"amiStatus": "Connected"
} |
Fetch DB Status
An API to fetch the database details.
Code Block |
"data": {
"fetchDBStatus": {
"status": true,
"message": "Database Status",
"dbStatus": "Connected"
} |
Fetch GUI Mode
An API to fetch the GUI mode.
Code Block |
"data": {
"fetchGUIMode": {
"status": true,
"message": "GUI Mode details",
"guiMode": "advanced"
} |
Fetch Automatic updates
An API to fetch the automatic update details.
Code Block |
"data": {
"fetchAutomaticUpdate": {
"status": true,
"message": "Automatic update status",
"systemUpdates": "disabled",
"moduleUpdates": "enabled",
"moduleSecurityUpdates": "enabled"
} |
Fetch Setup Wizard
An API to fetch the setup wizard details.
Code Block |
"data": {
"fetchSetupWizard": {
"status": true,
"message": "List up moduels setup wizard is run for",
"autoupdates": [{
"modules": "{\"framework\":\"framework\"}"
} |
Run fwconsole command
API: fwconsoleCommand
API Parameter -
Code Block |
"data": {
"fwconsoleCommand": {
"status": true,
"message": "Command has been initiated. Please check the status using fetchApiStatus api with the returned transaction id",
"transaction_id": "123"
} |
Fetch Installed Modules
An API to fetch all the installed modules.