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10.5.3_SP3 - An Overview of Features

F-5319 Passing UUI between ISDN/SS7 to SIP (Addition to F-1361 in 10.5.0)


Feature F-5319 Passing UUI between PSTN to SIP adds support for the parameters encoding, content, and purpose on the SIP side when the User to User Information is interworked.

Related Topics:

IMG 1010 - UUI Support - Overview

IMG 1010 - SIP UUI Support

F-5362 Support of SIP 182 Queued


Feature F-5362 'Support of SIP 182 Queued' adds the functionality to process a SIP 182 Queued message if it receives the message from a SIP entity within the network. During call setup, the 182 Queued call status message is sent from the SIP entity to the IMG to notify it that the called party is unavailable at that moment and rather than reject the call, it has been put into a queue and is awaiting for the called party to become available. The IMG then will take the proper actions to either just put call on hold awaiting instructions or to put the call on hold but initiate a connection from IMG to calling party. The latter can be used to relay information to the calling party with an announcement informing them they are in a queue and the call will be answered in the sequence that it came in. Once the called party is available the far end SIP Entity informs the IMG the call can now be connected. The IMG then connects the call from the calling party to the far end SIP Entity.

Related Topics:

IMG 1010 - SIP 182 Queued

F-5366 EMS support for 64-bit RedHat 5 Operating System


Prior to software 10.5.3 SP3 the TBCT feature was supported being initiated in ISDN only. F-5429 updates the feature so that the feature can be initiated from the SIP side also. See Related Topics link below.

Related Topics:

IMG 1010 - Two B-Channel Transfer (TBCT)