The Switchvox Softphone for Mobile is no longer actively supported.
Please see How to Set Up and Manage Switchvox for Sangoma Connect Mobile.
The Switchvox Softphone enables an iPhone or an Android phone to be used as a SIP phone with a Switchvox PBX.
(This article is about Switchvox Softphone for Mobile. For information about the Switchvox Desktop Softphone for Windows and macOS, see How do I use the Switchvox Desktop Softphone App?)
Switchvox Admins use the Switchvox Admin Suite (/admin) to add a Softphone Assignment to a phone extension, and to set correct networking parameters as required by the app. This document describes these Admin procedures.
See also: How do I use the Switchvox Softphone?
Administrative Access to
Setup > Manage Extensions
Setup > Phones > Digium Phones
Server > Networking
Switchvox should be running the latest version of the Switchvox software. Mobile devices and their operating systems change on a regular basis, and the latest Switchvox software is required to handle those changes.
NAT reflection is sometimes called NAT loopback, or NAT hairpinning. Without it, you must have a dual-resolve hostname for Switchvox.
See What are the Differences among the Basic Network Topologies Used with the Switchvox Softphone for Mobile for illustrations of each topology.
Direct Port Access is YES
Host Address must be as follows:
DMZ | External hostname that resolves to Switchvox's external IP address |
Internal, NAT Reflection, Dual-resolve hostname | Dual-resolve hostname that resolves to |
Internal, NAT Reflection | External hostname that resolves to Switchvox's external IP address |
Internal, no NAT Reflection | Dual-resolve hostname that resolves to |
It's important that your edge firewall passes data on the required ports. Please see Firewall/NAT Checklist.
Softphone Assignment Advanced Options
If you provide an email address that the user can access from their phone, that email message includes instructions and links for setting up the Switchvox Softphone. (Ifthe If the Softphone Assignment is on an extension that is converged to a Main extension, then the email message will display the Main extension number and require the password to the Main extension number. The user can change the extension to the converged extension number, and use that password instead.)
When the application is closed (or in the background), Swichvox Switchvox Mobile Phone relays in the push notification system to wake up and receive calls. PBX, upon receiving a call that is destined to a Switchvox Mobile device will send a push notification and then wait for the app to load and reports that is ready to receive the call. If you have a bad connection or your phone is behind a strict firewall, the notification may not reach the phone and thus, it won't be able to wake up to receive the call.
Another reason that your phone may not be able to receive calls may be related to a firewall rule that prevents access to Switchvox User API. When you load the application on your cell phone, the application registers its push notification token to the PBX using Switchvox API. If you would like to test the Switcvhox Switchvox API, you can enter the URL https://Ip.Of.The.PBX/xml, use the credentials of the extension when asked for the password, if you receive this message "Your request XML was empty." , it means that API interface is working.
Switchvox Mobile Softphone uses the IP or Hostname that is set up in the Phone Networks -> All Network -> Primary Hostname (only), please make sure that is reachable from the network that your cell phone is located.
If you are using an FQDL as Hostname, please make sure that when you are inside of the internal network, your DNS resolves to the private IP address. Most routers and firewalls will block connections from internal devices to internal servers via the internal server public address.
Switchvox Mobile Softphone as SIP-enabled device, it's susceptible to bad SIP ALG implementation, and many routers have this feature enabled by default (and some of them cannot allow to be disabled from its web interface). Use LTE Mode connection to test it.
If you are having trouble setting up the phone, try to enable alternative port (Setup -> Digium Phones -> Mobile Softphone -> Advanced Options) this setup the phone to use the alternative port to connect to the PBX, some providers blocks port UDP 5060.
If you are having issues receiving calls, open the app (and keep it in the foreground) and then place a call, if not successful, this can give you an indication that network may be preventing the connection (SIP ALG, Firewall rules, etc)
If you are having issues receiving calls when the app is closed, confirm that the User API is open from the network where the phone is located (https://Ip.Of.The.PBX/xml), Please make sure to use the Hostname that is located in the Phone Networks -> All Network -> Primary Hostname
Additionally, to confirm correct connectivity, you can open (keep it in the foreground) the Switchvox Mobile Softphone and then go to your PBX -> Server -> Connection Status -> Phone and confirm if you see an IP, most likely the connection is OK.