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Table of Contents

The Originating Line Information parameter (also know as II digits) conveys information about the originator of a call. This information gets lost over SIP networks if not inter-worked properly. The OLI feature allows carrying the ANSI ISUP OLI Parameter from traditional TDM networks into SIP and vice versa.


Click on links below to display Call Trace

 Call Trace - OLI SIP-ISDN

Call Trace - OLI ISDN-SIP

Sample OLI Values

OLI Value

OLI Description


OLI Value

OLI Description


OLI Value

OLI Description





800 service call from a pay station



wireless/cellular PCS (type 1)


multiparty line



payphone using coin control signaling



wireless/cellular PCS (type 2)


ANI failure



prison/inmate service



wireless/cellular PCS (roaming)


Station Level Rating



intercept (blank)



TRS call from hotel


special operator handling required



intercept (trouble)



TRS call from restricted line


inter-LATA restricted



intercept (regular)



inter-LATA restricted hotel


test call



telco operator handled call



inter-LATA restricted coin-less


AIOD-listed DN sent






private pay-stations


coin or non-coin on calls using database access






private virtual network


800 service call



TRS call from unrestricted line





The OLI parameter is configured in the SIP Profile object and is then inserted into a external network element object. Below are instructions on how to configure the OLI parameter. The procedure below explains how to configure the IMG 2020 to insert/map the OLI value between ISDN and SIP. Before configuring, the IMG 2020 must have an initial configuration created on it. Follow the Basic Configurations procedure before proceeding. 


  • Create a SIP Profile. Right click on the Dialogic object and select New Profiles. The Profiles object is a parent or container object and no configuration is needed here.

  • Right click on the Profiles object and select New SIP Profile. The first profile that gets created is a Default SIP Profile and cannot be modified. Disregard this profile.

  • Right click on the Profiles object just created again and select New SIP Profile. Either enter a Name into the name field that identifies this profile or accept the default entry. Refer to the  SIP Profile - SGP topic for more information on configuring each of the individual fields.

  • Right click on the SIP Profile object just created and select New SIP from Header Tags. Enable the SIP OLI feature by selecting Enable from the drop down menu in the ISUP OLI field. Refer to the topic for more information on configuring each of the individual fields.SIP Profile - From Header Tags

Create SIP signaling stack

  • Right click on the IMG 2020 physical node and select New Signaling.  The Signaling object is a parent or container object and no configuration is needed here. Refer to the Signaling topic for more information on this object.

  • Right click on the Signaling object created and select New SIP. In the IP Address field, select from the drop down menu which IP address will be used for SIP signaling. Refer to IMG 1010 - SIP Signaling Object topic for more information.


  • Right click on the Dialogic object and select New Routing Configuration. The Routing Configuration object is a parent or container object and no configuration is needed here. Refer to the Routing Configuration topic for more information.

  • Right click on Routing Configuration and select New Channel Groups. The Channel Groups object is a container object also and no configuration is needed. Refer to the Channel Groups topic for more information.

  • Right click on Channel Groups object and select New Channel Group. Either enter a name that identifies this channel group or accept the default entry. In this example the Channel Group was labeled SIP_OLI_ChGrp.

  • Select SIP from the drop down menu of the Signaling Type field. Refer to the Channel Group topic for more information on configuring this object.


  • Right click on the Dialogic object and select New External Network Elements. The External Network Elements object is a parent or container object and no configuration is needed here. Refer to External Network Elements topic for more information.

  • Right click on External Network Elements and select New External Gateways. The External Gateways object is a parent or container object also and no configuration is needed here. Refer to External Gateways for more information.

  • Right click on External Gateways and select New External Gateway. Enter a name that identifies the gateway being configured. In this example the gateway was labeled SIP_OLI_GW

    Image RemovedImage Added


  • Select SIP from drop down menu in the Protocol field.

  • Enter IP Address of the Gateway the IMG 2020 will communicate with.

  • Select the SIP Profile that was created earlier. This profile has the ISUP-OLI configured in it.

For more information refer to the External Gateway topic. 

Insert SIP External Network Element into SIP Channel Group
