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The H.223 and H.245 protocols are used between multimedia endpoints over a circuit switched network. These protocols are utilized after a call is connected between two endpoints indicating the call is a multimedia call. The IMG 2020 can detect an incoming SS7/ISDN multimedia call based on a specific octet contained in the SS7/ISDN SETUP message. If the call is considered an audio call, the message will be interworked as a normal ISDN/SS7 to SIP call. If however, the call is considered a multimedia call, a proprietary SIP Header can be added indicating it is a multimedia call and the added header will be interworked to the SIP side. The feature is enabled through a new header added to the SIP Headers object. Refer to the information below.


Below are instructions on how to configure the functionality for this feature. Before configuring, an initial configuration must be created on it. Refer to the Basic Configurations procedure and verify the required basic functionality has been configured prior to configuring this feature. Also, the feature is supported when going from an SS7 or ISDN network to an SIP network which requires both SS7 and SIP signaling to be configured. Refer to the Configure SS7, Configure SIP (Multiple SIP IP), or Configure SIP (Single SIP IP) topics as required.


The procedure below describes how to configure the IMG 2020. In the procedure below the incoming side is ISDN and the outgoing side will be SIP since the feature supports a call going from ISDN to SIP. If call flow is SS7 to SIP, the procedure would be modified for SS7 signaling, but the basic configuration will all be the same. 


The incoming channel group can be either ISDN or SS7. Refer to the Configure ISDN or Configure SS7 topics for ISDN or SS7 signaling and channel group configuration information.


  • Right click on the Profiles object and select New SIP Profile. The first SIP Profile created is a default profile and cannot be modified. Disregard this profile.Right click on the Profiles object again and select New SIP Profile again. This SIP Profile can now be modified. In the Name field, enter a name that describes the SIP Profile being created. In this procedure the SIP Profile was labeled SIP_Prof_Multimedia. Refer to topic for more information on configuring the remaining fields in this object.

  • Right click on the SIP Profile object and select New SIP Headers. In the SIP Headers object that appears select one of the choices in the drop down menu of the field X-Dialogic Multimedia Call. In this procedure, Multimedia call and Audio call was selected from drop down menu. Refer to screen capture below.


Refer to SIP Profile - Headers topic for more information on configuring the X-DialogicMultimedia Call field as well as information on any of the remaining fields.


  • Right click on the Routing Configuration object and select New Channel Groups. The Channel Groups object is a parent or container object and no configuration is required here. Refer to the Channel Groups object for more information.

  • Right click on Channel Groups object created earlier and select New Channel Group. Set the Signaling Type field to SIP.

  • Enter a name in the Name field that will describe this channel group. In this procedure, the channel group was labeled ChGrp_SIP_Multimedia. Refer to Channel Group topic for more information on configuring the remaining fields within the SIP Channel Group object.


  • Right click on dialogic object and select New External Network Elements. No configuration is needed here. The External Network Element object is a container object and no configuration is required. Refer to External Network Elements topic for information on this object.

  • Right click on the External Network Elements object and select New External Gateways. Again, the external gateway object is a container or parent object and no configuration is required here. Refer to External Gateways object for more information.

  • Right click on External Gateways object and select New External Gateway. Enter a name that describes the gateway being created. In this procedure, the name Multimedia_GW was entered.

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Field Descriptions

  • Modify the Protocol field to display SIP.

  • Enter an IP address in the Gateway IP Address field.

  • Within the SIP Profile field of the External Gateway object, select the SIP Profile SGP configured above. This profile configures the X-DLGCMultimedia: Data feature. Refer to the External Gateway topic for more information on configuring the remaining fields. 


  • Right click on the SIP Channel group created above and select New IP Network Element. In the IP Network Element field, select from drop down menu the gateway created above. Refer to the IP Network Element topic for more information on this object. Refer to the screen capture below.
