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Table of Contents

When communicating with an external gateway there are various attributes/features that need to be associated with that particular gateway. Within the SIP Signaling object described in this topic and the SIP Profile - Advanced Settings object a user can configure these attributes/features. Once configured, the SIP Profile can be added to the SIP Signaling object, the External SIP Gateways object and External ENUM Server Sets object. The SIP Profiles configured will all be selectable from a drop down menu in each of the objects described above. In addition to the fields in the SIP Profile object, there are also multiple objects that can be configured under the SIP Profile that add additional features/attributes.


Dialogic > IMG 2020 > Profiles > SIP Profiles > New SIP Profile

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Maximum Objects


When creating the SIP Profile object, the first SIP profile created is a Default profile and the individual fields within this object cannot be modified. To create a SIP Profile that can be modified, right click on the SIP Profiles object again and select New SIP Profile. The second SIP Profile object created can now be modified.

SIP Profiles

Configure SIP Profile Options

Field Descriptions


Enter a unique name that identifies the SIP Profile being created. The default name is set to SIP_Prof1. For a list of valid characters that can be used, refer to topic.


The Precondition Support field is by default shaded green and cannot be modified. To be able to modify the Precondition Support field, the PRACK Support field must first be configured to either "Supported" or "Required". Once configured, the Precondition Support field can be modified. Precondition functionality is supported on the incoming leg of a call only. Refer to the Precondition and P-Early-Media Header Support topic for more information.


Required- Precondition support is enabled on a limited basis. Precondition was added to work in conjunction with feature F-6294 Precondition, P-Early-Media Support and is used for a specific application. Refer to the Precondition and P-Early-Media Header Support  topic for information on how Precondition is utilized for this application.


Disabled- Do Not send an INVITE to the contact returned in a 3xx response from a redirect server. Release the call when it receives a 3xx response from a redirect server and map the 3xx code to a 4xx (Client Error) code.

Refer to SIP Redirect for more information.

Loop Detection


The Trusted field applies to whether privacy information is allowed or stripped when passing information within a SIP Trusted Domain to a specific gateway. The Trusted field applies to SIP signaling only. When set to Yes then all SIP Privacy information will be sent within the trusted domain boundary. When set to No, there will be no SIP Privacy information exchanged. Refer to SIP Privacy topic for more information.


  • SIP Privacy is configured is under the Profiles object in the Web GUI. Set the Privacy Info field in the External Gateway object according to what is supported by the SIP Proxy to which the IMG 2020 is connected.

  • To enable Privacy for an ISDN Group or an ISUP Group, set the Discard Privacy Info field in the ISDN Group page, SS7 - Destination - ISUP Group - ANSI or SS7 - Destination - ISUP Group - ITU pane to Yes.

Refer to SIP Privacy topic for more information.


  • When a SIP INFO message is received and the dialog is found the IMG 2020 will respond with a 200 OK message.

  • When a SIP INFO message is received and the dialog is not found the IMG 2020 will respond with a 481 Call Leg/Transaction Does Not Exist.

  • When a SIP INFO message is received and the content length of the SIP INFO message is 0, the IMG 2020 will respond with a 200 OK.

Refer to SIP INFO Method - Long Call Duration Auditing topic for more information.


Enabled- Delayed media feature is enabled. IMG 2020 generates INVITE without offer (SDP) and expects offer (SDP) from the remote end either in reliable provisional response or in the final response (200 OK). If the offer is received in reliable provisional response, then IMG 2020 generates answer (SDP) in PRACK. Also in this scenario, the final  response must either contain no offer or have the offer same was in the reliable provisional response else the call will be released. If the offer is received in the final response, then IMG 2020 generates answer (SDP) in ACK.

Refer to SIP Delayed Media Outbound topic for more information.



Notes for table above:

  • If the incoming INVITE includes only the m=RTP/AVP in the SDP, the incoming message contains only RTP information.

  • If the incoming INVITE message includes only m=RTP/SAVP in the SDP, the incoming message contains only SRTP information.

  • If incoming INVITE message includes both the m=RTP/AVP -and- m=RTP/SAVP, the incoming message contains both RTP and SRTP information.

Click on the SRTP Mode Flowchart - Incoming to view a flowchart of the table displayed above.



Notes for table above:

  • An outgoing INVITE message that includes only RTP information will include just the m=RTP/AVP line in the outgoing SDP.

  • An outgoing INVITE message that includes only SRTP information will include just the m=RTP/SAVP line in the outgoing SDP.

  • An outgoing INVITE message that includes both the SRTP and RTP information will include both the m=RTP/AVP -and- m=RTP/SAVP lines in the outgoing SDP.

Click on the SRTP Mode Flowchart - Outgoing to view a flowchart of the table displayed above.


When the IMG 2020 receives a 180 Ringing message from the egress or B leg of a call, the user has a choice of whether to propagate and generate a 183 Session Progress message with SDP or propagate and generate a 180 Ringing message with ring tone but without SDP to the ingress or A leg of the call. Select from drop down menu below. For either selection below to function correctly, the SIP Profile must be associated with the External Gateway communicating with the egress or B leg of the call.

Send 183 Session Progress w/SDP (Default)- When selected from the drop down menu, if a 180 Ringing or 183 Session Progress with or without SDP is received on the egress or B leg of a call, a 183 Session Progress with SDP is generated and transmitted out the ingress or A leg of the call.

Refer to Call Trace - 183 Session Progress for more information.

Send 180 Ringing- When selected from the drop down menu, if a 180 Ringing or 183 with or without SDP is received on the egress or B leg of a call, a 180 Ringing without SDP along with ring tone will be generated and transmitted out the ingress or A leg of the call.

Refer to Call Trace - 180 Ringing for more information.

Ring Back Tone on 180 Ringing after183
