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Table of Contents

Perform the First Boot/Initial Setup


  • Connect the Primary Signaling Port: eth0 to a LAN Switch

  • Connect Laptop to LAN Switch

  • Configure Laptop to IP address:

  • Using Laptop web browser go to URL:

  • Login via

    • Username: root, Password: sangoma

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Change Password


  • Select Services from side/top System Menu

  • Enable or disable Secure Shell service

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Samba/Windows NetBIOS

Windows NetBIOS server

Not used / Not required


MySQL database

Not used / Not required

Samba/Windows Server

Windows File server

Not used / Not required

Time Server

Network Time Protocol

Should be configured and enabled.

Note: There must be internet access to reach the NTP service.

Web Server

web/httpd server

Not used / Not required

Gateway Service

NSG VoIP to SS7 gateway

Do not configure it here Use Control Panel

Logging Services

Syslog, logging service

Should be configured and enabled.

Samba/Windows Winband

Not used/ Not required

Secure Shell

SSH server

Should be configured and enabled.

System Scheduler/Cron

System scheduler

Should be configured and enabled

System Watch

System watch

Should be configured and enabled


This section can only be used to modify/configure IP, Host, DNS information for Physical Network interfaces eth0 and eth1.


Default Route/Gateway 

  • To configure a system default route through the IP Settings section, the appropriate interface role type to use is “External”. The External interfaces get associated to the default system route.


One should take this into account when assigning IP addresses to eth0,eth1 or VLAN interfaces. Confirm that ip address range set does not conflict with eth2 media transcoding network interface.


VLAN Config IP & Routes

  • VLAN’s can be configured in section Configuration-> VLAN

  • VLAN can be configured on top of eth0 and eth1 network interface only.

  • All VLAN related configuration such as IP address, VLAN ID and VLAN routes must be configured in VLAN configuration section only.


  • Select VLAN Status from side/top Overview Menu

  • Second table shows full system routing table.

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Virtual local area network, virtual LAN or VLAN is a concept of partitioning a physical network, so that distinct broadcast domains are created. NSG mark’s packets through tagging, so that a single interconnect (trunk) may be used to transport data for various VLANs.


  • Select VLAN from side/top Configuration Menu

  • Copy in the VLAN configuration script below into the file editor

  • Save

    • On save the VLAN configuration will be applied

    • Proceed to VLAN Status confirm VLAN configuration

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The VLAN network interfaces are created over physical network interface. Make sure that the physical network interface eth0 or eth1 are configured in IP Settings, before attempting to configure VLAN on top of them eth0 or eth1.

The Save/Apply post processing will display VLAN configuration status


An optional route can be created to point to a gateway within a VLAN network 



Only routes related to VLAN interfaces are allowed in the VLAN configuration section



If a system default route needs to go through a VLAN

  • Confirm that IP Settings interfaces are all set to LAN role.

  • As there can be only ONE system default route.


  • Select VLAN Status from side/top Overview Menu

  • This page shows

    • All configured VLANs

    • System Routing table

    • Individual VLAN configuration

    • Individual VLAN IP information




Confirm that VLAN Interface contains the correct IP address.

If the IP address is not set, the VLAN configuration has not been set properly


  • In order to determine which physical T1/E1 port is: Port 1 Card 1

  • Select Identify button for Port 1 Card 1

  • The LED light will start flashing on a rear RJ45 T1/E1 port: rear panel.

  • Look at the rear panel of the appliance and plug in RJ45 cable to the blinking RJ45 T1/E1 port.

  • Once the Port 1 Card 1 is identified, the subsequent ports for that board are labeled.

  • Or alternatively keep using the Identify feature for each port.



  • Identify picture of the device is always set to A108D – 8 T1/E1 card. The LED will always bling port 1. The image is not meant to reflect the real hardware image, nor real port location. User should always view the rear panel for the flashing LED.

  • All Sangoma TDM T1/E1 cards Port 1 is closest to the PCI slot. 


Advanced E1/T1 Parameters




After T1/E1 configuration, the NSG wizard will request Link Type Configuration


 When configuring TDM Terminations for ISDN (PRI) 

  • Select MFCR2

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Span Group Configuration


  • Select Apply from side/top Configuration Menu

  • Visually confirm the warnings

    • License warning need to be resolved with Sales

  • Select Generate Config to apply the configuration to file/disk.

  • Generate Config will generate all necessary NSG SS7 VoIP Gateway configuration files needed to successful start the NSG gateway




The generate config option will not be offered in case NSG gateway is started. Confirm that NSG is fully stopped in Control Panel before Applying configuration.



Dialplan is not used in MG/Megaco/H.248 mode: MGC performs the routing.


PSTN to SIP Dialplan





To access Dialplan configuration section 


One thing that may seem confusing is the distinction between a caller a caller profile field (the built-in variables) and a channel variable.


  • When the Gateway starts successfully the green status bar will appear.

  • System is now running.




Before attempting to pass traffic through the gateway, proceed to TDM Status to check the state of the NSG gateway.      There is no point of attempting calls while the status of the gateway protocol is down.
