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Netborder SS7 VoIP Media Gateway can be operated via control panel and monitored via dashboard pages:
Control Panel
The control panel is divided in two sections:
The gateway options allow the user to change whether the media gateway launches when the physical system is turned on. By default, Netborder SS7 VoIP Media Gateway starts when the physical system is started. If a user would like to manually start the gateway processes after the physical system is turned on, they would need to select the "manual" radio button then click apply. The changes will take effect after the next reboot cycle.
Control Panel in Relay Mode
When the relay mode is actived (Version 4.1+), the Control Panel of the master node will display the status and controls for all active nodes. You can Start/Stop and Restart each node individually or Start All/Stop All and Restart All nodes from the convenience of the Web UI of the Master Node.
Command Execution
The command execution page allows the user to run two different types of commands directly from the web interface. They are:
The NSG command option allows the user to run commands related to the operation of Netborder SS7 VoIP Media Gateway. These commands would have to be commands based to get information from the gateway. For example, if the user wants to know the status to their MTP3 link with the name "mtp3-1", they would type in "ftdm ss7 show status mtp3 mtp3-1" within the textbox next to the NSG Command option and then click on execute. The user will then be shown the result of the command below the execute button.
TDM Status
The TDM Status page displays the information relevant to each port configured on the system. The page is refreshed in order to give the user the most up to date information on all the ports of the system. By default, the refresh interval is set for 5 seconds, but that can be changed if the user wishes to change it. Each ports status is broken down into 4 main categories:
The channel section displays information for each individual channel on the particular port. Each channel is given a status which is defined in the legend below:
SIP Status
The SIP Status page is divided into two main sections:
The Registrations section displays what PBX is currently registered to Netborder SS7 VoIP Media Gateway.
The logs page is divided into 3 different tabs: