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The IMG 2020 supports sending UUI (User to User Information) between called and calling parties. The purpose of the User to User Information support is to pass specific information not pertaining to the call from one user to another. The information can be passed during the following phases of a call.


IAM to IAM- The User to User data is initially received in the incoming SS7 IAM message. It is then propagated to the outbound SS7 network using the SS7 IAM message.  

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ANM to ANM- The User to User data is initially received in the incoming ANM message. It is then propagated to the SS7 side and transmitted out using the SS7 IAM message.


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SAM to IAM- The User to User data is initially received in the incoming SS7 SAM message. It is then propagated to the outbound SS7 network using the SS7 IAM message. 

REL to REL- The User to User data is initially received in the incoming SS7 REL message. It is then propagated to the outbound SS7 network using the SS7 REL message.   

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Between ISDN and SS7


SETUP to INVITE- The User to User Data is received in the ISDN SETUP message. It is then propagated to the outbound SIP network using the SIP INVITE. 

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ALERTING to 1xx- The User to User Data is received in the ISDN ALERTING message. It is then propagated to the SIP network using the 1xx informational Response message.   

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CONNECT to 200 OK- The User to User Data is received in the ISDN CONNECT message. It is then propagated to the outbound SIP network using the 200 OK Successful response. 

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DISCONNECT to BYE- The User to User Data is received in the ISDN DISCONNECT message. It is then propagated to the SIP network using the BYE message.   

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RELEASE to BYE- The User to User Data is received in the ISDN RELEASE message. It is then propagated to the outbound SIP network using the SIP BYE message. 

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RELEASE to 4xx, 5xx Response- The User to User Data is received in the ISDN RELEASE message. It is then propagated to the outbound SIP 4xx, 5xx Responses. 

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UUI in INFO Message- The User to User information is received in the ISDN INFO message. It is then propagated to the outbound SIP INFO message.   

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Between SS7 and SIP


  1. Right click on the ISDN D-Channel object and select New ISDN Group. The ISDN Group assigns information such as the capabilities of the DS-1 the D-Channel will be configured on and the Network the D-Channel will be used in. Refer to the ISDN Group topic for more information on configuring this object.

  2. Right click on the ISDN BDN object just created and select New ISDN Circuit Group. The Circuit Group are the B-Channels that are being controlled by the D-Channel configured above. Select a starting DS-1 from the Start Span field. This field is a drop down menu that contains all the TDM DS-1's created. Spans 0 through 3 are on the four RJ48 interfaces located on the rear of the IMG 2020 and DS-1's 0 through 27(T1) or 0 through 31(E1) refer to either the DS-3 or Optical Interface. Select from the drop down menus, the starting and ending DS-1's/DS-0's that will make up the ISDN Circuit Group. The Circuit Group being created will be controlled by the D-Channel configured above. Refer to the ISDN Circuit Group topic for more information on configuring this object.

  3. Right click on the ISDN BDN object again and select New ISDN Parameter Filter. Select Pass from the drop down menu of the UUI field.

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Configure an ISDN Channel Group along with the ISDN Circuits


  1. Right click on the Profiles object and select New SIP Profiles. The SIP Profiles object is a parent or container object. No configuration is needed here. Refer to the SIP Profiles topic for more information on this object.

  2. Right click on the SIP Profiles object and select New SIP Profile. The first profile that gets created is a Default SIP Profile and cannot be modified. Disregard this profile.

  3. Right click on the SIP Profiles object and select New SIP Profile again. In the SIP Profile object that appears, either enter a name that identifies this SIP Profile or accept the default name already entered. In this example the SIP Profile was labeled UUI_Profile. Refer to the SIP Profile - SGP topic for more information on this object.

  4. Right click on the SIP Profile object just created and select New SIP Headers. Select Enabled from the drop down menu of the User to User Header field. Refer to the SIP Profile - Headers topic for more information.

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  5. The Prot. Discriminator Byte is set to Not Included by default.  If User to User is enabled, then decide whether the Protocol Discriminator Byte is to be set to Not Included or Included.
    Example below displays the conversion of the Prot. Discriminator Byte:
    UUI =  7e0d046773677367736773 = (Prot. Discriminator Byte)
    This will get converted to gsgsgsgs where
    ascii g = Hex 67
    ascii s = Hex 73

  6. The SIP Profile can now be associated with an External Remote Gateway and the gateway can be linked to a SIP channel group. Refer to the Configure SIP (Single SIP IP) topic for information on configuring this.
