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The IMG 2020 can accept an incoming SIP NOTIFY request (outside of a subscription) which has the parameters Event type = message summary and Content Type = application/simple-message-summary and interwork these messages into an SS7 network using TCAP messaging. SIP uses the SIP Specific Event Notification (Notify) as a mechanism to transport the MWI message through IP and the IMG 2020 then inter-works the Notify message along with its Event Package Name simple-message-summary to the SS7/outgoing side. The IMG 2020 then receives a response from the SS7 network and inter-works this response to the SIP network and sends the response out in the 200 OK message. This feature supports RFC 3842 section 5.2 only. The MWI feature is supported in both ANSI and ITU protocol.


  • Right click on the SS7 Network object and select New SS7 Stack. An SS7 Stack pane will get created. Enter the information needed for your specific network.

  • Configuring the IMG 2020 for MWI by enabling SCCP and TCAP signaling in the stack. Select ANSI from drop down menu of the SCCP field.

  • Select either ANSI or ITU from the drop down menu of the TCAP field. See screen capture below.

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Refer to the SS7 - Stack topic for more information on configuring the individual fields of the SS7 Stack Pane.


  • Right click on the SS7 Network object again and select New GCL Services. The GCL Services object is a parent or container object and no configuration is needed here. Refer to the GCL Services topic for more information on this object.

  • Right click on GCL Services object and select New MWI SIP-TCAP Interworking. In the Subsystem field, select from the drop down menu the stack that was created earlier. In the ANSI MWI Protocol field, select from the drop down menu the protocol to format the MWI message. Refer to the screen capture below. For more information on the SIP-TCAP MWI (Interworking) object, refer to the MWI - (SIP/TCAP Interworking) topic.

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  • Once the GCL Service has been created, the new service can be added to the SIP Channel Group created above. Right click on the SIP Channel Group created above and select New Channel Group Service. Refer to the topic for more information on this object.

  • Select from drop down menu the service that will be associated with this channel group. See screen capture below.

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Configure the SS7 ISUP Group and Circuit Group (CICs)


  • Right click on the Channel Groups object and select New Channel Group. In the Name field, either accept the default name entered or enter a name that will identify this specific Channel Group.

  • Select SS7_ISUP from the drop down menu in the Signaling Type field. For more information on configuring the SS7 Channel Group refer to Channel Group topic.

  • Right Click on the SS7 Channel Group created and select New Circuit Group. As described in the Configure the SS7 ISUP Group and Circuit Group (CICs) section above, select the node and DS-1'S/DS-0's that will be used for this circuit group. The selections made should mimic the selections made in the section above. Refer to the SS7 - Circuit Group under Signaling topic for more information on this object.

  • Click on the Channel Groups object which will now have a yellow exclamation point displayed. Click on the Download Resource Tables button and the SS7 Channel Group configuration just created will be sent to the IMG 2020.

  • Configuring the MWI feature has been achieved. Below is screen capture of the Routing Configuration directory tree when finished configuring.

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