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IMG 2020

Explicit Call Transfer (ECT) is a technique for EURO ISDN where if there are two calls active on the IMG 2020 and they are bridged or looped together the resources on the IMG 2020 are being used inefficiently. With this feature the IMG 2020 has the ability to send specific facility messages back to the Stored Program Control Switch (SPCS) on the PBX or TDM switch and tell the PBX/TDM switch to connect these two calls together so they are no longer active on the IMG 2020. This would effectively open up two B-Channels that were initially being utilized. Explicit Call Transfer supports a portion of specification Q0952_7 (Issue,June 97). See links under Related Topics below for more information on what is supported and how to configure.


  • Two calls Bare in progress. The SIP side sends a REFER message to the IMG 2020 notifying the IMG 2020 to connect the two calls together.

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  • After the call is bridged the SIP leg is no longer connected. Call A and Call B are now routed through IMG 2020 as displayed below.

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  • With Explicit Channel Transfer Enabled, the IMG 2020 will recognize that the call does not need to be routed through it. The bridged call is using resources that could be used for other functions. The IMG 2020 would then send a request to the SPCS/Switch B (Stored Program Control Switch) that the two independent calls be bridged together as shown below.

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  • At this point, the call is being routed through Switch B and the IMG 2020 has released the call thereby freeing resources on both the IMG 2020 and the SPCS.


  • Right click on the Dialogic object and select New Routing Configuration. The Routing Configuration object is a parent or container object and no configuration is needed here. Refer to the Routing Configuration topic for more information on this object.

  • Right click on the Routing Configuration object and select New Channel Groups. The Channel Groups object is a parent or container object and no configuration is needed here either. Refer to the Channel Groups topic for more information on this object.

  • Right click on the Channel Groups object and select New Channel Group. In the Name field. either enter a Name that will identify this channel group or accept the default entry.

  • In the Signaling Type field select ISDN from the drop down menu. By selecting ISDN, the Channel Transfer field can now be modified.

  • To enable the Explicit Channel Transfer feature, select Enabled from the drop down menu in the Channel Transfer field. See screen capture below.

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Refer to the Channel Group object for more information on configuring the individual fields.
