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Once the configuration is up, a call has been made, and voice path verified, we can now configure each individual channel group to play a treatment. Playing Treatments using Error Handling is done when a specific treatment is to be played. Below is a table with all pre-recorded treatments. The example that will be explained below would be for Error Handling. Some examples of error handling would be if all circuits were busy or if a 1 was not dialed before the number. Follow procedure below to configure a Channel Group to play one of the pre-recorded treatments. For a list of pre-recorded treatments see IMG 1010 - Default Treatment Table.
Use the diagram above as reference. The procedure below will play a treatment that you specifically choose. In example below the treatment "We're sorry you must dial a 1 before calling numbers outside of your calling area" is played when someone calls in through a specific channel group.
IMG 1010 - Configure NFS Server in ClientView to Play Treatment
IMG 1010 - Configuring Media to Play a Treatment
Open the Translation Table Entry which has the dialed number 617&. Under Type of Operation field change translation to Error Detection from the drop down menu.
Once Error detection is selected then the Error Code field now allows you to edit it. Select "Missing Prefix" from the drop down menu. See screen capture
Open the SJPhone Channel Group. In the Incoming Treatment Field select Play Treatment from the drop down menu.
From the SJPhone, Dial 617xxxx (xxxx=any numbers). The treatment will play
In order to change the Translation table back to not playing a treatment, you must first change the error code back to "Vacant" before you change the Type of operation back to Translation
Change the Incoming Treatment on Channel group SJPhone back to Release with cause.
The treatment can be played in the other direction by repeating the steps above and dialing 508xxxx.