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In order to play announcements and transmit/receive tones the IMG must have the Media and Media modules configured.

ClientView Tree

The screen capture below shows the ClientView Tree for the Media on the IMG1010. The IMG1010 supports creating one Media Module which is "Media Module 0". The Media Module object in ClientView will then allow two Media DSP's to be configured underneath it. (DSP0 and DSP1)


The screen capture below shows the ClientView Tree for the Media on the IMG1004. The IMG1004 supports creating one Media DSP under the Media IMG object. See screen capture below


Configure New Media and NFS Servers

Right-click the Physical IMG object in ClientView and select New Media. Below is screen capture of the New Media Pane in ClientView


Field Descriptions:

Media Name:

Field will have a default NFS Server name that will be displayed in ClientView. To change this name, click in the box and enter the new name. This can be changed or left as the default

User ID:

This field will need to be the User ID corresponding to the excelsw user.


In the Linux Red Hat server go to the RedHat start menu. Select System Settings > Users and Groups and open up the User Manager. The User Manager will have all the users set up on the Linux Server. Below is screen capture of the User ID Tab.


Group ID:

This field will need to be the Group ID corresponding to the excelsw user.


In the Linux Red Hat server go to the RedHat start menu. Select System Settings > Users and Groups and open up the User Manager. The User Manager will have all the Groups set up on the Linux Server. Below is screen capture of the Group ID Tab.


Network Interface:

This field is automatically populated with a drop down menu of the IP Addresses of the IMG you are configuring.

Primary Vocabulary Index File Name:

This field is automatically populated with the name of the default file that is downloaded to the NFS Server as part of the IMG EMS installation process. The default is /img_vocab.dat and is the file which contains all the default .vox files loaded on the GCEMS server.

Primary Server ID:

This field has a drop down menu which contains the ID's of all the NFS servers that are configured under the External Network Elements object in ClientView.

Secondary Vocabulary Index File:

Enter the filename of the file on the secondary NFS server.

Secondary Server ID:

This field has a drop down menu which contains the ID's of all the NFS servers that are configured under the External Network Elements object in ClientView.


There must be NFS servers configured under the External Network Elements object before the Primary and Secondary server ID can be populated from drop down menu.

Primary and Secondary Server Status fields:

Displays the status of whether the NFS server is available or not configured.

Configuring Media Modules (IMG1010 only)


The Procedure "Configuring Media Modules" is for the IMG1010 only. The IMG1004 does not have a Media Module. There are fewer DSP's on the IMG1004 and they are part of the main board. Skip this step and move to "Configuring DSP Functions IMG1004" below if the IMG1004 is being configured.


  • Right-click on the Media entry created above and select New Media Module.

  • Below is a screen capture of the Media Module Pane. There is only one Media Module that can get configured on the IMG1010 and it is considered an On-Board module. These settings should all be left as their defaults.

Configuring DSP Functions (IMG1010 only)

Once the Media Module Object is created and committed then the Media DSP's can be configured. To configure the Media DSP's follow the steps below.

  • Right-click on the Media Module 0 object you just configured and select New Media DSP. Two Media DSP's can be created under the Media Module Object. Create Media DSP 0. This module will be used for transmitting and receiving tones

  • Below is a screen capture of the Media DSP 0 Pane.

Field Descriptions:


Select from a drop down list either 0 or 1. (Two Media DSP's can be configured under one Media Module)

Receive 0 Configuration and Receive 1 Configuration

These fields have a drop down menu. Below is a list of the functions that can be selected. If Playback/Record is selected then both Receive 0 Configuration and Receive 1 Configuration default to Playback/Record and the Transmit 0 Configuration and Transmit 1 Configuration are "Not Used"


  • u-law Universal Rcv

  • alaw Universal Rcv

  • Playback/Record

  • ulaw DTMF Rcv

  • a-law DTMF Rcv

  • u-law MFR1 Rcv

  • a-law MFR1 Rcv

  • u-law MFR2 Rcv

  • a-law MFR2 Rcv

  • u-law CPA Rcv

  • a-law CPA Rcv

Transmit 0 Configuration and Transmit 1 Configuration

These fields also have a drop down menu. Below is a list of the functions that can be selected.


  • Right-click on the Media Module 0 object you just configured and select New Media DSP. Two Media DSP's can be created under the Media Module Object. Create Media DSP 1. This module will be used for recording and playback.

  • Below is screen capture for Media DSP Pane 1

Configuring DSP Functions (IMG1004 only)

Once the Media Object is created and committed then the Media DSP can get configured. To configure the Media DSP follow the steps below.
