Note |
Desk Phone API features described in this section are deprecated and supported only on the following models: D40, d45, d50, d60, d62, d65, d70 |
Getting Started with the Phone API
This guide is an overview of Sangoma Phone app development: the process of building an app, reviewing and testing it on the phone, and the basic development tools.
Using the Phone's App Development CGI
The Sangoma Phone's development tools are available via a CGI that can be accessed from any desktop computer after you enable the phone's App Development mode. This guide describes how to access the app development CGI and use the tools via a commandline interface.
Using the Phone's App Development Web Page
The Sangoma Phone's development tools are available via a web page after you enable the phone's App Development mode. This guide describes how to access the app development web page and to use the tools available there.
Building Localized Apps
If you have users who speak different languages, you don't have to build multiple apps. This guide explains how one app can use your translation library along with properly named string files to provide multiple language experiences.
Creating and Handling Calls
This guide provides a basic overview for handling call events and performing various actions (e.g., hangup) on calls.
Enabling App Development Mode
This guide describes how to enable App Development Mode on a Sangoma Phone. App Development Mode must be enabled in order to use the Web or CGI app development tools.
Taking a screenshot
This guide tells you how to get a screenshot of your phone custom app. Such images may be useful when producing an app's documentation.
Using Settings in an App
You can develop your app so it uses generic settings, or settings that are specific to each phone. If you have phone-specific settings, you can choose to store them in the phone's config file, or have the user enter the settings via your app. This guide discusses how to choose the best solution for your app.
D-Phone Javascript Application Redirection
If you would like to have your application override one of the functions of the phone's built-in applications, the Application Redirection functionality will give you the ability. This guide walks you through the setup of the phone and your application to perform and handle the redirection.