Routing calls based on the caller ID number of the person that is calling. Define the caller ID number to be matched on incoming calls. Leave this field blank to match any or no CID info. In addition to standard dial sequences, you can also put “Private,” “Blocked,” “Unknown,” “Restricted,” “Anonymous” or “Unavailable” in order to catch these special cases if the telco transmits them. Caller ID can be specified as a dial pattern when prefxed with an underscore, so for example to intercept all calls from area code 902, CID can be specified as "_902NXXXXXX" (without the quotes).
Force/Yes/Don't Care/No/Never: This setting controls or overrides the call recording behavior for calls using this route. See the Call Recording Walk Through wiki for details on the modes.
A CID lookup source resolves numeric caller IDs of incoming calls. This gives you more detailed caller ID information and CDR reports. The sources are defined in the Caller ID Lookup Sources module and can be linked to web-based services, local databases, or CRM systems. Lookup sources are also useful if your trunks do not pass the caller ID name information with the number.