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Release 2.2 SP1 - An Overview of Features

F-5426 Removal of Leading Zero in Redirecting Number

Brief Description:

During the Interworking of the SIP Diversion Header to the SS7 Redirecting Number, the IMG 2020 can be configured to remove the leading zero from the interworked SS7 Redirecting Number. The feature is configurable through Web GUI and can be either enabled or disabled. Refer to the linked topics in the Related Topics section below for more information.


Related Topics:

SS7 ISUP to SIP Interworking  

F-5636 Translation of Calling Number Parameters SI/PI take Precedence

Brief Description:

The screening indicator, presentation indicator, or both can be passed through to the SS7 IAM Calling Party number unchanged or can be passed through with overridden values that are configured through the Advanced Originating Number Parameter object. The feature is supported only when SIP Privacy is enabled and a call is received by the IMG 2020 from the SIP network and is transmitted to the SS7 network. Because the feature modifies the behavior of the IMG 2020, a field has been added that can disable or enable the new functionality. The default setting in the Web GUI is Disable which forces the IMG 2020 to interwork the parameters as it did before the feature was introduced. Refer to the links in the Related Topics section below for more information regarding this feature.


Related Topics:

IMG 1010 - Translate SI and PI - SIP to SS7 

Advanced Originating Number Parameter 

F-5670 ISDN Facility Tunneling in SIP INFO

Brief Description:

After a call between the SIP protocol and the ISDN protocol has been answered and is in progress, a proprietary header within the SIP INFO message can be interworked from the SIP side to the ISDN side. After the call is answered, and the IMG 2020 receives a SIP INFO message with the proprietary header labeled X-DLGCIsdnTunnelingInfo the information that proceeds the header will be interworked into the ISDN side. The header in the SIP INFO message uses the format shown below: 

X-DLGCIsdnTunnelingInfo: 621c<xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

The information in the header must include 0x621c for the IMG 2020 to take the message and interwork it into the ISDN leg of the call. If the first four bytes are not 0x621c the SIP INFO message will be ignored. Since the 0x621c is a facility message, the feature is used to transfer Malicious Call Trace information from SIP to ISDN. Refer to the links in the Related Topics section below.


Related Topics:

IMG 1010 - ISDN Facility Tunneling in SIP INFO 

F-5698 SIP Header for Multimedia Call

Brief Description:

The H.223 and H.245 protocols are used between multimedia endpoints over a circuit switched network. These protocols are utilized after a call is connected between two endpoints indicating the call is a multimedia call. The IMG 2020 can detect an incoming SS7/ISDN multimedia call based on a specific octet contained in the SS7/ISDN SETUP message. If the call is considered an audio call, the message will be interworked as a normal ISDN/SS7 to SIP call. If however, the call is considered a multimedia call, a proprietary SIP Header can be added indicating it is a multimedia call and the added header will be interworked to the SIP side. The feature is enabled through a new header added to the SIP Headers object. Refer to the links in the Related Topics section below.


Related Topics:

IMG 1010 - SIP header indicating Multimedia call 

SIP Profile - Headers 

F-5737 Redirecting Number Translation

Brief Description:

The SIP Diversion Header currently supports interworking the Nature Of Address (noa) parameter from the SIP Diversion Header to the SS7 Redirecting and Original Called Number. Feature F-5737 adds the opposite functionality. The IMG 2020 now supports interworking the Redirecting Number and/or Original Called Number from the SS7 ISUP side into the SIP Diversion Header in the SIP INVITE message. Refer to the links below for more information.


Related Topics:

SIP Diversion Header

SIP Profile - Headers

F-5742 Redirecting Number Assertion (ISDN to SS7)

Brief Description:

Redirecting Information that is  present in the SS7 IAM messages indicates that call forwarding has occurred. The Redirecting Number Assertion feature gives a user the ability to create and insert individual elements in the Redirection Information and Redirecting Number parameters into an outgoing SS7 IAM message. The Redirection Information Assertion object is used to insert the Redirection Information and Redirection Number parameters. The feature is supported on a call received from an ISDN network and transmitted to an SS7 network only. Refer to links in the Related Topic section below.


Related Topics:

Redirecting Number Assertion (ISDN to SS7) 

Redirection Information Assertion 

F-5761 Distinguish between Local and Remote Cause Code 34 in Reason Header

Brief Description:

Before the introduction of the Reason Header - Local/Remote Resource Availability feature, if there were no resources available on the outgoing TDM side, the IMG 2020 would respond to the incoming SIP network with a 503 Service Unavailable response. The 503 response sent would not give any indication whether the IMG 2020 itself was out of resources or whether the SS7 network was out of resources. With the introduction of this feature, a user can distinguish whether the 503 Service Unavailable response sent to the SIP network was caused due to a lack of resources on the IMG 2020 or lack of resources in the outgoing SS7 network. Refer to the links in the Related Topics section below.


Related Topics:

Reason Header - Local/Remote Resource Availability 

SIP Profile - Headers 

F-5948 Mapping ISDN Call Proceeding to SIP 183

Brief Description:

With the introduction of the MAP ISDN Call Proceeding to SIP 183 functionality, the Call Proceeding message from the ISDN side will be interworked into a 183 Session Progress with SDP message when the value of the Progress Indicator parameter in the Call Proceeding message is either "1" or "8". By interworking these parameters, an early voice path can be established so the caller can hear a prompt played by the terminating endpoint. If no progress indicator is present or the value of the ISDN Progress Indicator is not "1" or "8" then the call will proceed as normal. The Call Proceeding message will be dropped and no SIP 183 Session Progress will be sent. Refer to the links in the Related Topics section below for more information.


Related Topics:

SIP_ISDN Interworking 

ISDN Group

Map ISDN Call Proceeding to SIP 183

F-5963 Calling Party Information Retrieval via INR/INF Message

Brief Description:

When the Calling Party Information Retrieval feature is enabled, if the IAM received from the SS7 side does not contain a Calling Party Number -or- the Calling Party Category is set to unknown, the IMG 2020 will send an INR (Information Request) back to the SS7 network requesting the Calling Party Number and/or the Calling Party Category. Once the SS7 side receives the INR, it will send back an INF (Information Message) with the requested parameters. The IMG 2020 then receives the parameters and uses this information along with the information in the original IAM to generate an INVITE message to the SIP or H.323 network which includes the additional parameters. Refer to the links below.

F-5963 Calling Party Information Retrieval via INR/INF message is supported between SS7 and H.323 protocols as well.


Related Topics:

Calling Party Information Retrieval via INR/INF 

SIP Profile - SGP 

F-6004 German ISUP Carrier Selection

Brief Description:

Feature F-6004 German ISUP Carrier Selection inter-works the German ITU/ETSI parameter Carrier Selection between SS7 and SIP. A new header has been added to the SIP INVITE message that displays the hexadecimal representation of all the Carrier Selection parameters. The format of the new SIP Header is displayed as X-DLGCCarrierSelection: xxxxxx where the xxxxxx are hexadecimal digits that represent the data values of the Carrier Selection parameter. The new header is configured in the SIP Headers object under the SIP Profile SGP object. Refer to the topics in the links below for more information on this feature.


Related Topics:

SIP Profile - Headers  

F-6041 Interworking Diagnostics Indicator between Release-Reason and ISUP

Brief Description:

The SS7 REL message is very general. The release of a call could be for a number of different reasons. The REL messages on the SIP side such as BYE, and CANCEL try to narrow down the reason a call was released but in some instances does not give enough information. Feature F-6041 interworks the diagnostics field  information that is embedded in the REL message on the SS7 side and inputs them into the Reason Header's reason-extension field on the SIP side. The feature is enabled or disabled through a field in the SIP_SS7 Interworking object. Refer to the links below in the Related Topics section for more information.


Related Topics:

IMG 1010 - SS7 Diagnostic byte to Reason Header IW 

SIP to SS7 ISUP Interworking 

F-6109 Make NFS Timer Configurable

Brief Description:

The NFS Timeout field is used to configure the amount of time it takes the IMG 2020 to mount the NFS server to start downloading the files that the IMG 2020 is requesting. Depending on the network type, the time it takes to mount the NFS server could vary. Refer to the links in the Related Topics section below for configuration information.


Related Topics:


F-6179 Configurable Timer on Delayed Answer

Brief Description:

In an ISDN to SIP -or- SS7 to SIP call, the Configurable Delayed Answer Timer feature gives the user the ability to configure the amount of delay there is between receiving the 200 OK message on the SIP side and transmitting the ANM or CONNECT message to the SS7/ISDN leg. Prior to the introduction of this feature, the delayed answer functionality could only be Enabled or Disabled and the timer value was hard coded in software. Feature F-6179 adds a new field to the REFER Support object that makes the Timer configurable from 1 to 10 minutes. Refer to the topics in the Related Topics section below for more information.


Related Topics:

SIP REFER - Call Transfer

SIP Profile - Refer Support 

F-6568 Add Codecs G.726, GSM-FR/EFR, iLBC, and G.722 Audio Codecs

Brief Description:

Five new Codecs were added to the list of Codecs supported. G.726, G.722, GSM-FR, GSM-EFR, and iLBC were all added to the Vocoder Profile object. The new codecs are supported in the SIP protocol only. The G.726 Codec was added to all the Media Modes in the Physical Node object and the G.722, GSM-FR, GSM-EFR, and iLBC were added to the 3G/HD/DDM MultiMedia Media modes. Refer to the links in the Related Topics section below.


Related Topics:

Supported Codecs 

Physical Node - Multinode

Physical Node - Direct Connect

Vocoder Profile


F-6582 Provisional ACL

Brief Description:

The IMG 2020 includes the use of Access Control List (ACL) for greater control over which remote endpoints have access to local IP resources. An ACL defines remote access to a local service IP address. Once created, an ACL is then associated with a local service IP address to set access control to the local IP address. A single ACL can be associated with multiple local service IP addresses. In general, this is done in conjunction with creating or modifying a network interface object. The one exception is the node object, used for defining the local boot IP address.

Related Topics:

Provisional ACL (F-6582)

Denial of Service (DoS/DDoS)

F-6585 Transcoding License

Brief Description:

Transcoding on the IMG 2020 is the conversion from either one Codec to a different Codec as well as from one Payload Size within the Codec to a different Payload Size within the same Codec. The IMG 2020 supports integrated transcoding while using the SIP, the H.323, and Video Codecs. To be able to pass a call through the IMG 2020, a Transcoding license must be available for each leg or channel of the call. Refer to the link in the Related Topics section below for more information.


Related Topics:



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