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This is the sangoma.conf.sample file that is included with the Sangoma PJSIP Configuration module for Asterisk as of .

; This file is used by the res_pjsip_config_sangoma module
; to auto-configure Sangoma trunks.
; A name for your Sangoma trunk.  This will be used to create the PJSIP
; objects. In this example, your PJSIP Endpoint will be named "Sangoma1".

;type = sangoma ; Must be "sangoma".  Required.

; The FreePBX Module Keycode found in "My Services", "Trunk Groups" in the
; Sangoma Portal.  Required.
;keycode = dfkjhsdgjhkasdjhgasdjhkduyrhafbcarbcsuhjcuayerncxndhjfnxzyreuniy

; At a minimum, you need to specify a dialplan context to receive incoming
; calls.  Required.
;endpoint/context = trunk_inbound

; A provider must be specified. Current providers are sipstation and vi.
; Required.
; provider = sipstation

; If you're having trouble with the retrieval of configuration parameters
; from the provider's servers timing out, you can adjust the timeout,
; number of retries, and retry interval to get more reliable connections.
; config_timeout_ms = 10000    ; Activity timeout on the http connection to
                              ; the server.
                              ; The default is 10000 milliseconds.
; config_retries = 3          ; If the timeout is reached, the connection
                              ; will be retried this many times.
                              ; The default is 3.
; config_retry_wait_ms = 1000 ; Number of milliseconds between retries.
                              ; The default is 1000.

; -------------------------------------------------------------------------

;This module uses the same syntax as res_pjsip_config_wizard and can therefore
;take additional parameters and pass them directly to the underlying PJSIP

;For example, to override the default AOR qualify frequency of 60 seconds,
;you could add...
;aor/qualify_frequency = 120

; Or to set a message context on the endpoint...
;endpoint/message_context = my_msg_context

; This module automatically configures the following parameters:
; On the Endpoint:
;  "allow", "dtmf_mode", "aors", "outbound_auth", "send_rpid", "trust_id_inbound"
; You can NOT override "dtmf_mode", "aors", or "outbound_auth" as they are
; critical to the proper operation of the trunk.
; On the AOR:
;  "contact", "qualify_frequency"
; You can NOT override "contact".
; On the Auth:
;  "username", "password"
; You can NOT override either of these parameters.
; On the Registration:
;  "client_uri", "endpoint", "expiration", "line", "server_uri"
; Of these, only "expiration" can be overridden.
; No Identify object is created for Sangoma trunks as Sangoma supports
; using the "line" parameter to associate incoming requests to endpoints.

; If you have more than one Sangoma trunk that needs to be configured
; in this Asterisk instance, simply add a new sections below:
;type = sangoma
;keycode = asdkjhfgasdjhkfgsakjhdfgasjkhdgfasjhkgfsahjgfashkjgfashkjgfashkd
;endpoint/context = trunk_inbound
;provider = vi
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