This page allows you to set your network interface settings.
On the top menu click Admin
In the drop down click System Admin
In the right side navigation menu click Network Settings
The physical interface, such as eth0.
Static/DHCP/Unconfigured: The protocol to use for addressing.
If you choose Static, the next three fields will become available (Static IP, Netmask, and Gateway). Otherwise those fields are grayed-out.
(If IP Assignment = Static) The network IP address you want to assign. Example:
(If IP Assignment = Static) The subnet mask. Exapmle
(If IP Assignment = Static) Default Gateway. Example
Yes/No: Whether this interface should load on system boot.
To save your settings, click the Save Interface button.
From the Network Settings page, click the Create Interface button.
Enter the details for the new interface in the pop-up window.
Choose the parent from the drop-down menu.
Secondary/VLAN: The interface type. This choice affects whether you will see the Label or VLAN ID option below.
(If Type = Secondary) This is simply the label. You can use a number (0, 1, 2), or a name (dmz, internal, lan10). Do not add the interface name.
(If Type = VLAN) You cannot use "extra" non-standard VLAN identifiers. You can only use standard 802.1q VIDs, which are between 1 and 4094.
Static/DHCP: The protocol to use for addressing. Note that it is extremely unusual to select DHCP for alternative interfaces, as it can cause unexpected and unwanted network dropouts. If you choose Static, the next two fields will become available (Static IP, Netmask). Otherwise those fields are grayed-out.
(If Protocol = Static) The network IP address you want to assign.
(If Protocol = Static) The netmask that you want to assign.
To save the settings, click the Save and Apply button.
Note that Start Automatically is set to No on all new interface creations. This allows you to reboot the machine if you accidentally lose contact with the machine due to an invalid network configuration. After the network configuration is applied, you can set Start Automatically to Yes on the main page.