This is only needed If we want to do expert level configuration for the Advanced Recovery module. 

This section assumes that you have up and running Advanced Recovery service configured via Quick configuration wizard.

Modification of Primary server configuration

"Advanced Recovery → Configuration → Primary Server" will provide you the options to do any modification in the Primary server configuration.

"Advanced Recovery → Configuration → Secondary Server" has the configuration mainly for GraphQL access token so no need to do any changes here unless we want to manually modify the auto generated access toekn.

After clicking on "Primary Server" button as mentioned in above screenshot, it will redirect to primary server configuration as shown below.

As we can see, this configuration sections has 4 sub-sections.


During a failure, the Advanced Recovery module will notify the specified IT personnel(PBX admin) about the failover event. 

This section will help configure the notification related settings.

As shown in the screenshot above, the parameters to configure for Notification section are: 

  1. Notification Extension - Which extension to call during failover event.

  2. Recording when primary fails - Select recording to play when the Primary server fails. This will specify the list of "recordings" to choose from as configured in System Recording module.

  3. Recording when standby fails - Select recording to play when the Secondary server fails. This will specify the list of "recordings" to choose from as configured in System Recording module.

  4. Notification Email -  The email address where notifications will be sent to.

  5. Inline logs - If set to Yes, attach logs in the notification email to analyze which modules are backed up, and being restored to the Secondary server.

  6. Email Type - Select which type of events should send out email notifications.

In the screen shot, you can see that "Recording When primary fails" and "Recording When standby fails" are the two custom recordings you can configure, and which extension will be called for the notification.

Daily backup details, and any server failure notices will be sent to the Notification Email address.


Schedule Sync Time 

Set the time for when to perform the data transfer from the Primary to Secondary server. 

A few points to note: 

Threshold Time

The Advanced Recovery module will declare a failure if the expected response is not received within the specified "Threshold Time" (in seconds).

Auto Switch Services: When the Primary server is not responding within the Threshold Time, we will start registering active SIP trunks from the  Secondary Server.

Auto Switch Service

Phone support uses the failover IP functionality in the phone's settings, so auto switching the phone registrations are purely based on the phone's firmware and model.

Secondary Server Configuration 

Should trunks on the Spare Server be disabled?

Should NAT settings from the Primary Server be restored to the Spare Server?

Should Bind Address settings on the Primary Server be restored to the Spare Server ?

Should DNS settings on the Primary Server be restored to the Spare Server ?

Should we run "Apply Configs" on the Spare Server after a restore is completed?

The Spare Server which is added in the Filestore module (SSH)

Spare server Access Token URL

Client ID generated on the Spare Server API

Client Secret generated on the Spare Server API

GraphQL URL generated on the Spare Server API

This is the Access Token which will be generated on the Spare Server

By clicking on this button, you can TEST the connectivity between the servers

Secondary server configuration from Configuration section

The Advanced Recovery module will automatically generate the GraphQL credentials for itself, so there is no need to set any configurations in this section.

Mentioning this section here just for knowledge to know what this section will contain and if we want to manually modify the GraphQL credentials of Primary server then we can do that from here.

Generating GraphQL API Credentials

The Advanced Recovery module is using the GraphQL API to communicate between the Primary and secondary  servers to perform actions such as restores, monitoring health checkups, automatic switch overs, etc.

Generating GraphQL API Credentials for the Primary Server

The Advanced Recovery module itself will auto generate the API credentials for the Primary server, so there is no need to perform any configuration steps for the Primary server.

Generating GraphQL API Credentials for Secondary Server

We need to generate GraphQL credentials on the secondary server by following the instructions below.

  1. Create the Application "Machine-to-Machine app"

  1. Allow the scope (gql:adv_recovery) to access the Advanced Recovery module, and then click "Add Application".

  1. Copy the Access details to Primary server. 

    Please ensure you are saving the details below.  They will be needed during the configuration of the Primary server in the Advanced Recovery module.

SSL Certificates

If you are using self signed certificates OR individual hostnames not associated with the certificate, DO NOT use HTTPS in the following URLs on the Primary server. Doing so may lead to this error (cURL error 60: Issuer certificate is invalid. )

  1. Token URL

  2. Authorization URL

  3. GraphQL URL

  4. Rest URL