This applies to version 14 of your PBX GUI

The Voicemail widget allows you to view, listen and manage your voicemail settings.

The User Management Module controls which mailboxes a user will be able to add as a widget in UCP.



Click this icon to have the voicemail call your phone and immediately playback

Forward this voicemail to another mailbox

Download the voicemail message onto your computer

Delete the voicemail message from the system.


Managing Voicemail Settings

Click the Settings button in the widget title bar to continue: (blue star)

Anytime you make a change there is no save button.  All changes are instant and a green box will show up informing you your changes have been saved

Manage Voicemail Greetings

Greetings are where we can control the announcement that is played to callers with our personal message.

Click the Settings button in the widget title bar to continue: (blue star)

For each greeting you can press the Play button to listen to the Greeting.

You can press the Green "UPLOAD GREETING" button to upload a new audio file for your greeting or you can drag your audio file from your computer into the "Drag A NEW GREETING HERE" box to upload a new greeting.

Pressing the red "DELTE" button will delete the voicemail greeting.

Pressing the Red "RECORD GREETING" button will prompt you to enable your Mic on your compute and let you record your greeting. 

This will only be available over secure connections (HTTPS)

Manage VMX Settings

Once enabled by your administrator VMX settings can be found by clicking the Settings button (blue star) in the widget title bar: