The Fax Module allows you to view all sent and received faxes, forward a fax to another user or send outbound faxes.  It is part of the Fax Pro Commercial Module for FreePBX.

Viewing Faxes

  1. To view a Fax you will scroll down to the "Stored Faxes" section and you should see a table like this.

  2. For each fax we can see the following information

    1. Fax- This will tell us if the fax is a inbound or outbound fax

    2. Date- The date and time the fax was sent or received at.

    3. From- If a inbound Fax this will show the Caller ID Name and Number of who sent the Fax.  If a outbound fax it will show the user who sent the fax.

    4. To- If a inbound fax this will show the user who received the fax.  If a outbound fax is will show the phone number of who the fax was sent to.

    5. Status- The status of the Fax such as OK, Failed, In Progress

    6. Pages- The number of pages the fax document is.

    7. View- Click this PDF icon to download and view the fax.

    8. Forward- Click this option to forward the Fax to another user on the system or a different fax number.

    9. Delete- Click the trash icon to remove the fax from the system.

Sending a Fax

  1. To send a fax we will scroll to the "Send a Fax" section

  2. First click on the Choose File button to upload a PDF or TIFF file.

  3. You can also click the Green + icon to upload additional documents to be included as part of this fax.


  4. Now under the Destination box define the Fax Number of who you are sending the Fax to.  Please note you need to define this in the same format that you would do if you were calling the number from a phone such as 10 or 11 digits normally.

  5. You can also include the System Wide Coversheet that has been setup on your System.  For each Coversheet you can also define the following information that will be inserted into the Coversheet for you.  Please see the Fax Configuration module for more information on how to setup the System Wide Coversheet with global options.

    1. Recipient Name- Here you define the Name of who the Fax is going to.  This will be put in the To: field of the Fax Coversheet.

    2. Message- Here you can define a message to be put in the body of the Coversheet.

  6. You can optionally click on the "My Details" to see what information about yourself will be put on the Coversheet.  This information is pulled from your Extension Page Fax Settings and can be changed in the Extension Page permanently or on a per fax basis overridden here.

  7. Press the "Send Fax" button when ready to send your fax out.

  8. Refresh the page and you should see the fax show up with a current status of "In Progress" while the fax is being sent.