By default the pause start time is set when an agent selects a Pause option even if the agent is currently still on a call.
The tenants can now be configured to wait until the Agent finishes the call before setting the Pause Start time. If you are interested in the option, please contact the Sagoma Technical Support team to enable this option.
Note: This configuration change will only work for Agents using the Agent Panel with an embedded WebRTC extension. |
This can affect the calculation and information displayed by the following reports and monitors:
Affected Reports: With the default setting, calculates the Agent is in pause when selected even while on a call:
Agent Activity Timeline Report
Agents Performance Report
Complete Pause Report
Pause History Report
Affected Monitors: With the default setting, it duplicates the status of the Agent, Handling a call and on Pause, when Agent Pauses while on a Call. In case of Agents monitor it will report the Agent is on Pause.
Supervisor Panel:
Widget “My Agents”
Widget “Calls Waiting”
Queue Monitor:
Queue Panel
Queue Details
Agents Monitor.
Agent Panel - Queue Status Toolbar.
This section provides information on how to specify report criteria and use the available report options.
There are two ways to access the reports:
Contact Center Menu - Displays the reports individually in a list.
Manager Icon - Lists the reports by the five categories.
Log into Sangoma CX with the applicable Supervisor or Administrator credentials.
Complete one of the following steps:
From the Contact Center menu, select Reports, and then the applicable report from the drop-down list.
From the Home page, click the Manager icon.
Select the applicable report from the appropriate category list as shown below.
To select a date range for the report, from the applicable report, complete one of the following options:
Click the applicable preset interval button at the top of the page.
The From and To fields will display the applicable dates.
Click the From field to display the calendar.
Click ( < ) icon to change the beginning month and the ( > ) icon to change to ending month.
In the calendar, click on the start date, and hover the cursor over to the end date. The range is highlighted in the calendar.
Click on the end date. The date range is displayed in the From and To fields.
To select Queues or Queue Groups:
From the applicable report, select either the Queues (default selection) or Queue Groups option.
From the Queues or Queue Groups drop-down list, select the applicable Queues or Queue Groups. One or multiple items can be selected.
To remove a selected Queue or Queue Group, click X next to the Queue or Queue Group to be removed.
For most reports, there is an All Queues option available to select all Queues. |
Most reports can be downloaded as CSV, Excel, or PDF file formats.
To download a report, after setting the filter options for the report, complete one of the following steps:
To download the report as a CSV or Excel file, click the Download Spreadsheet button at the top of the page, and select CSV or Excel from the drop-down list.
Note: If the Excel option is not available for the report, the list does not display and the report is downloaded as a CSV file. |
To download the report as a PDF file, click the Download PDF button at the top of the page.
To set up scheduled delivery for a report:
From the applicable report, click the Schedule Report button at the top of the page.
The Schedule Report page opens with the report name displayed in the Report name field.
From the Repeat drop-down list, select Daily, Weekly, or Monthly. If Weekly or Monthly is selected, select the Day of week or Day of month.
In the E-mail to field, enter the email address where the report should be sent.
In the At this time drop-down list, select the time the report should be run.
From the In this format drop-down list, select the file format in which to deliver the report.
Click the Schedule Report button to schedule the report. The report is scheduled for delivery on the selected interval, day of the week and time.
Once a report has been Generated, the Hover option can be used:
In a Graphical view or chart to display detail in a pop-up window for a segment or data point.
In the column headings the Help (?) icon to view details on how a certain set of data is calculated.
After selecting the report criteria, click the Generate button at the top of the page to generate and view the report.
To view detail for a segment or data point of the report graphic or chart, hover the cursor over the segment or data point. A window pops up displaying detail about that segment or data point.
For example, the following information displays an Agent’s single productive pause period on the Agent Activity Timeline report:
The following example displays information for a data point when hovering the cursor over it on the ATT and ASA History report:
To view detail on how a particular column of data is calculated, hover the cursor over the Help (?) icon in the applicable row or column heading. The following is an example of the % Occupied column on the Agent Performance report:
For reports with a tabular or table format, you can sort by a specific column.
After selecting the report criteria and generating the report, click the applicable column heading to sort the entire table by the column. To reverse the sort order, click the column heading again.
The following is an example of the ATT column on the Agent Performance report:
Sorted Highest to Lowest | Sorted Lowest to Highest |
On some reports, notes can be added. To add a note to a report:
Generate and view the report.
Click the Create Note button above the report. The Note screen opens with a calendar to specify the event date.
Enter following:
Event Date - Select the applicable event date from the calendar. The date displays in DD/MM/YYYY format.
Title - Enter a title for the note.
Description - Enter a description for the note.
Queue - Select the applicable Queue.
Click the Create button to create the note.
The note will display above the report. |
To show or hide the notes above the report, click the Show notes button. The number on the button identifies how many notes are created for the report period.
To delete a note, click the Remove link within the applicable note. A message is displayed confirming the deletion. Click OK.
For reports that contain graphics, elements of a graphics can be hidden and re-displayed/restored.
Any number of elements can be hidden on a given report. |
To hide or show/restore a graphic element, after generating the report, complete the following steps:
To hide a graphic element, in the report legend, click the Element legend at the bottom of the chart to hide the applicable data element. The element’s legend is grayed out.
The following is an example of the Call report with the Answered element hidden in the chart:
To show/restore a hidden data element in a chart, in the chart legend, click the applicable grayed out element legend to re-display.
The following is an example of the Call report with Answered calls displayed in the chart.
Some reports provide the option to view charts in different formats, such as a Line chart or an Area chart.
To change the chart type of a report:
After selecting the report criteria, click the Generate button at the top of the page to generate and view the report. If required scroll down to view the applicable chart.
Under Change chart type, select Line (default selection) or Area option.
The following is an example of the Agents Performance report formatted as a Line chart:
The following is an example of the same chart formatted as an Area chart:
On certain reports, links are available to drill down and view history information or additional detail.
To view history information or additional details:
After selecting the report criteria, click the Generate button at the top of the page to generate and view the report, click the History or Details link for the applicable item.
A screen displays the history information or additional detail based on the selected link. The following is an example of an Agent’s history:
Click on one of the links below to access the detailed information the given report.