CommUnity Admin Panel User Guide

CommUnity Admin Panel User Guide


Use the “shift” key while using the scroll wheel on your mouse to scroll left and right on any wide page in your browser.


The Navigation Bar in the left-hand sidebar of the page lets you administer your account settings.



The Dashboard consists of three sections and a log:

  • Reports (3)

  • License Usage

  • Users

  • Latest Updates: 5 most recent Audit Log entries


The Reports Section (top row below) provides instant graphical snapshots of the Last 24 hours of Calls, Calls over 7 Days, and Call/Talk Duration over 7 Days. Hover over a chart to see more details .Click a chart it. You can return to the Dashboard by clicking on Dashboard in the navigation bar or by clicking “back” on your browser.



This sample image displays two different licenses. Clicking on the License quantity icon allows you to add and remove users.

 Advanced user Licenses are default licenses automatically assigned to new users. A license can be “freed up” by removing it from a user or by canceling/deleting the user. (Note: A user license must be suspended for a minimum of 12 hours before it can be deleted.)

Other licenses can be freely assigned and unassigned to users.

You can return to the dashboard by clicking on Dashboard in the navigation bar or by clicking “back” arrow in your browser.


The users section displays the number of users set up in your phone system. Clicking the number takes you to the Organization-> Users page. Click the + New button will present the Create User page.

You can return to the Dashboard by clicking on Dashboard in the Navigation Bar or by clicking “back” on your browser.


The Latest Update section displays the last 5 changes performed on the system. Clicking on this section takes you to the full Audit Log, where you can see a 90-day history of changes.

 You can return to the Dashboard by clicking on Dashboard in the Navigation Bar or by clicking “back” on your browser.



The user page lists all current users. On this page you can:

  • Create a user.

  • Delete a user.

  • Suspend a user*.

  • Cancel (delete) a user.

  • Filter/Search by 1 or multiple columns. (Note: Selected filters will be displayed in the Header bar.

  • Sort by selected column.

  • View page contents in Card View or List View.

  • Export to CSV (based on Filter selection).

  • Suspending a user prevents the user from logging in. IMPORTANT: A user must be suspended for a minimum of 12 hours before the user can be deleted.


The sites page displays the Company’s locations. The default site address is based on information provided during signup (this is typically your billing address). You can change your default site by selecting edit. On this page you can:

  • Create a site.

  • Edit a site.

  • Delete a site.

  • Change between Card and List views

  • Export to a CSV (based on filter selection).


The Departments page display a list of all departments. The following actions are available from this page.

  • Create, Edit and Delete a Departments or Sub-Departments

  • Assigning a user to a department or sub-department.

    • Assigning a user to a specific department, allows you to use a department filter on the user List page (organization user).

  • Park a call in your department using a key code on the system. (For example: if you’re in the sales department, using the code for department parking places the call in the sales department parking lot.) Parking calls in other departments is unavailable at this time.


In the Groups page you can:

  • Create a group by clicking the + Create button at the top of the page.

  • Edit a group by clicking the Edit button to the right of the desired group.

  • Delete a group by clicking the Trash Can icon to the right of the desired group.

  • Download a CSV of your groups (including filtered selections when applicable) by clicking the Generate CSV button at the top of the list.

Group Configuration options:

  • Group Voicemail: Set up Group extension number and, using a system code, leave Voicemails for all members of those Groups. For example, if you set the extension number of a Group to 7999, when you dial *867999 you can leave a Voicemail that populates in each Group member’s individual voicemail boxes at their own extensions.

  • Group Page: Group extensions can be used to Page the members of the Group via system code.

  • Group Intercom: Similar to a Group Page, Group Intercom activates the microphones for every phone in the Group. (Use with caution: Activating a Group Intercom can create unpleasant feedback when phones are close together. As a general rule, the Intercom features is best used when contacting individual users.)

  • Ring Groups: Allows you to route calls, using the following Ring Strategy options:

    • Top to bottom: This follows the List of Group members. You can arrange their order by adding them in the order you wish for them to appear.

    • Round Robin: On the very first call, this Ring sequence starts at the first listed Group member and rings over to the next Group member and so on, until a call is answered. The next call, will ring the agent directly after the one that answered last, maintaining a “fair” distribution of calls.

    • Ring All: Rings all the members of the Group at once until the call is answered.

    • Longest Idle: Routes the next call to the Group member with the longest time between calls.



The Devices page provides you a list of the hard, desktop phones in your system. Through this page, you can assign a phone to a user or to a Site or “Hotdesk” phone that any user can log into. If you scroll over to the right, you also can see which Location the phone is assigned to (office, home office, on the road, a secret location), and also the Status of the phone. For example, is the phone connected (registered) or not to the main system and able to place and/or receive calls.

Configuration options include:

  • Manage Hotdesk devices.

  • Set whether the phone uses a secure protocol.

  • Assign the phone to either a site (Hotdesk), or to a user directly.

  • Set up a description.

  • Reset the phone connection password (SIP registration).

  • Export a CSV file.

  • Change between List and Card Views.


Hotdesking, allows the ability to have unassigned phones that users can log into and work from as if the Hotdesk device were their own phones.

Click the Manage Hotdesk Devices button on the Devices page to display a list of Hotdesk devices.

In this display, you can see which Hotdesk users are logged into phones. Administrators can manually log a user out of a Hotdesk device from this page as well.

Note: To configure a device for Hotdesking reference the Device section in this guide.


From the Extensions page you can:

  • Create, Edit or Delete extensions.

  • Export extension list to a CSV file.

  • Change between List and Card Views.

  • See (under MAC address), which devices users have as their primary CommUnity devices. These can be softphones (HW-), desktop phones (HP-), or CommUnity mobile softphones (HM-).


From the Phone Numbers page, you can:

  • Determine if a phone number belongs to an office location (site).

  • Determine if a phone number is directly assigned to a user as a direct inward dial (did) number, which would bypass all menus and ring that user directly.

  • Determine whether the phone number is a direct number to a ring group, which would bypass any menus.

  • Assign phone numbers to a site and/or user and/or group (either a user or group, not both at the same time).

  • Change between list and card views

  • Export to CSV

  • Manage geolocations (see About Geolocations info below)

  • Filter the list.


Setting up Geolocations ensures that Emergency Services dialed from your company’s phones/extensions are routed to the correct destinations. A typical geolocations scenario:

  • Your main office has its own:
    Typically, all office users use this address or 911 calls.

  • For users that are remote worker/telecommuters:

You create geolocations for those users (typically using their phone number’s location address ) The users are then assigned their own DID (Direct Inward Dial) numbers, or their own Caller ID numbers, that can be set up for their own 911 addresses.


The Conferences page displays available Conference rooms in your system. From this view the following option are available:

  • View the list of conference rooms.

  • Generate CSV - Export the displayed list of Conference rooms.

  • Conference Name - Set conference room names.

  • Conference Owner - Select the room moderator. This is the user who can Invite, Kick out or Mute other callers in the room.

  • Moderator PIN - Configure the PIN used to enter the room as a moderator.

  • Participant PIN: Configure the pin used by any caller into the Conference room, whether it’s an internal user entering via *888 (conference center extension) and entering the room number, or whether the caller is calling in from outside.

  • Join Before Moderator - Configure if participants are able to join before the moderator joins the conference room.

  • Stay After Moderator - Configure if participants are able to stay after the moderator leaves the conference room.

  • Welcome Prompt - Configure if users hear a welcome prompt when joining a conference. Ex: You are joining the conference bridge as a participant/moderator.

  • Join/Leave Tone - Configure if users hear a tone when another user joins or leaves the conference.

  • Set a room to Private (so it will not appear in CommUnity).


The Licenses page allows you to view and manage Licenses that enable features and abilities in your phone system such as:

  • Advanced User License

    • The default or “core” License provided to each user, typically including:

      • A username and password to CommUnity.

      • A Phone Number.

      • A Voicemail box.

      • Ability to place/receive any calls.

  • Call Center License

    • An “add-on” license for ACD (Automatic Call Distribution) with reporting of these calls (think of a call center in this case)
      (In order for a user to be added to a queue, they will need this license.)
      NOTE” Although “simple queues” (i.e. Ring Groups) are available, they do not provide Call Center reporting, such as abandoned calls, average talk time, average hold time, Real-Time Monitor, etc..

  • Voicemail Transcription

    • This is a voicemail to text feature that enables you to read your voicemail messages in your email.

  • CommUnity Mobile

    • This provides the user the ability to use the CommUnity Mobile software on there P/C, and also the CommUnity Mobile softphone on their mobile devices.


The Roles & Permissions page defines user control over features, views and Admin Panel access. Allow and/or restriction options include:

  • Seeing all users and/or departments and/or sites

  • Placing or parking calls

  • Logging in and out of queue(s) (personal permission); logging in and out other extensions from queue(s)

  • Seeing/entering/and other options for conference rooms

  • Select- or all-user visibility

  • Manage sites, departments, queues, users, devices, etc.

  • Group paging/intercom

  • Creating/deleting groups

Default roles for users by level include:

  • Level 0: No Admin Panel access. users typically use CommUnity, and their phones.

  • Level 1: Limited Admin Panel access. Typical Level 1 users would be: Call Center managers; Call Center supervisors; Team leads (Call Center); Site administrator (ability to manage users, phone numbers, phones of local site only)

  • Level 2: Can administer the entire company (all Sites, users, etc.) by default. However custom permissions can be established for “restricted” level 2 roles.

  • Level 3: Primary default administrator added to all systems, which is usually the main point of contact on the account, when your system was ordered. Level 3 administrators can perform administrative tasks directly or set up the level 2 administrators to manage those tasks.


An administrator can only create a user (or administrator) at levels below (but not including) their own. For example, a Level 3 administrator can manage levels 2, or 1, or 0, but a level 2 administrator can only manage levels 1 and 0. In most organizations, only one administrator is Level 3.



The Real-Time Monitor (RTM) page displays information as it is happening in your Queues/Call Center. including:

Note: You can switch view between card and list views.

  • Callers on hold, waiting to reach a representative/agent

  • Logged-in (top right) and logged-out (bottom right) agents. Allows a manager to quickly see how many Agents are logged in

  • “Quick stats” (top left), showing:

    • Total count of calls on hold.

    • Total abandoned calls.

    • Total completed calls.

    • ASA (average speed of answer).

    • Number of calls that met your service level agreement (SLA) SLA defines the duration or amount of time before call “must” be answered, to either:(a) provide good customer service, and/or (b) meet an agreement with — or guarantee to — callers ensuring the maximum amount of time a caller is on hold before an Agent answers.

    • Average talk time.

  • Call status (Agent is on or ringing a call).

  • Total calls Agent has taken so far, in the current Queue.

  • Queue Actions - At the top of the monitor you can access the following functions:

    • Pop-out Window: Pop-out the Real-Time Monitor to a new tab, or browser window.

    • Broadcast: Agent: Send messages to all Agents (logged in or not, depending on need), related to the Queue itself, or other important messages depending on the situation.

    • reports: Access Queue reports.

    • Alerts: Configure specific Queue alerts (This function requires that you Enable Browser Notifications).

      • Enable Browser Notifications.

      • Enable Email Nofications.

      • Alert Configuration.

      • Not Enough Agents in Queue.

      • Callers Waiting Exceeded.

      • Abandoned Exceeded.

      • SLA Drops Below.

      • Average Speed of Answer (ASA) Exceeded.

      • Long Agent Talk Time: user/agent specific items .

  • Access the user configuration page to make a user level adjustments (via Edit button)

  • (If permitted) barge/whisper/monitor a call. Including starting/stopping a recording the Agent phone call.


The Manage Queues page allows you to:

  • View, Create a Edit and Delete queues.

  • Add and edit “logout reasons” that help managers determine why an agent logged off the queue, such as “lunch: or “15 min break,” or any other reason.

  • Add/remove agents from a queue.
    NOTE: If you attempt to add a user to a Queue and the user does not appear in the list of available users, it’s likely that the user hasn’t been provided with a Call Center License. In this case, you can go to the user’s profile or to the Licenses page to assign the user a Call Center License (provided an open License is available).


Note: The Limit field has been replace with the the Record and Scribe Setting fields.

The Queue Recordings Page provides you with access to:

  • User name

  • User extension number

  • Total of calls recorded

  • Record and Scribe Setting ( For instruction on Scribe configuration reference the How to Enable the Scribe Transcription Service and Access Recordings guide.)

    • Record All - This feature must be enable in order to enable the Scribe feature.

    • Scribe - Enable the Scribe feature to transcribe all recorded calls.

    • Actions - Click the Recordings button to access the list of recordings for the selected agent. From the list users can replay a recording or view the transcription.

    • Disable - The ability to disable recordings

WARNING: Disabling user recordings deletes all existing recordings for that user.


The Inbound Call Routing page allows you to configure how your calls are handled.

Note: Direct Inward Dial numbers assigned to users or Groups bypass this menu.

Options on this page include the ability to:

  •  Set up call sequences with menu options

  •  Set up schedules for your call sequences (e.g., calls process one way during business hours and another after hours)

  •  Create custom prompts for callers

  •  Send calls to different destinations

  •  Set an extension number on a menu

  •  Set up playlists for your music on hold


  • Click on the Inbound Call Routing section.

  • Hover over and click on the Audio Prompts icon located on the upper right corner. (See image below.)

  • You may upload a recording or record a new one. If you are recording an audio prompt, please click on Record Prompts.

  • You may record directly from your computer or ask the system to give you a call.

Phone record option

  •  Enter your phone number, file name, and click Call Now.

Note that as soon you answer, you are being recording.

  •  Hang up when you are done recording.


If you need to re-record your message, finish your current recording, delete it from the panel, and re-enter your number and file name. Then ask the system to call you again.



The Saved Reports page displays graphs for your call reports and provides an option to set (i.e., pin) select graphs to your dashboard. Clicking on any of the graphical summaries, will takes you to the specific graph/report.


The Scheduled Reports Page provides a list of scheduled reports with the option to edit or delete a report.

Report Scheduler:

To schedule a report, open the desired report and click the Schedule Report button.

Report Scheduler options include:

  • Title

  • Recipients (by email address)

  • Frequency (daily or monthly)

  • Minute of the Hour in 5-minute increments (by UTC time— time zone customization is coming in a future update)

  • Hour of the Day (e.g., if you had set the Minute of the Hour to “5” and the Hour of the Day to “4”, the report will be generated at 4:05pm UTC.

  • Daily Interval (could be any day up to the 30th)

  • Repeat Options (forever, until a select ending date, or number of times)

  • Schedule (button once options have been scheduled)



This is the Call Reports section allows you to view calls placed/received, run reports based on specific criteria and to refine your reports. Options on this page include the ability to:

  • View call records.

  • Filter reports.

  • Schedule reports.

  • Download the current report as a CSV file.

Filter options include:

  • Dates: The previous 7 days are set as a default. (Can be changed to be date- or duration-specific)

  • Time Zone: Set the time zone for report data.

  • User Names: Filter by user.

  • Caller Number: Filter based on Caller Number.

  • Called Number: This can either be (a) the outbound number a user dialed, or (b) the inbound phone number your customer(s) dialed to reach your system

  • Caller Site Names: List of calls placed by users from a specific Site

  • Called Site Names: Inbound calls to specific site

  • Call Status: Filter by: Answered, Missed, N/A

  • Call Tags: Filter by the type of call, such as: Queue call; Went to Voicemail; External (which includes local, and long distance) and international)

  • Report Name: Name your CSV report file (when you use the “Download CSV” button) before downloading a file

TIP The Called Number filter is useful when you’re running promotions, collecting surveys, etc. to help you determine the success levels of your promotions. (You also can create a Scheduled Reports for the length of your campaign by Called Number in advance).


Available Queue Reports are shown below.


The Agent Summary report providers an overview of the calls each agent took including total calls, average talk time and total talk time.


The Agent Call Details report provides drill-down details on each call the agent answered.


The Agent Status report provides the information on agent log=in and log-out statuses. There are currently three ways to log in or out an agent to the Queue:

  • Via CommUnity

    • Logging in via HUDweb is listed as “AGENTLOGIN”

    • Logging out via HUDweb displays the reason for an agent log-out, such as “shift over”, or “on a break.” You can define logout reasons in the Manage Queues page

  • Via the Admin Panel, on the Real-Time Monitor

    • When agent is logged into the Queue, via the Admin Panel the “AGENTLOGIN” status is displayed

    • A manager or supervisor can log users in and out on this page (a reason must also be selected when logging out an agent)

    • When a supervisor sets an agent to permanent “AGENTLOGIN” is displayed and “permanent” is listed as the reason

  • Via a phone/device. Agents can log in and out of the Queue by phone with the following codes:

*1 Use the current extension assigned to the phone to log into the Queue. For example, if the phone shows extension 7000, and we dial *1, 7000 will be used as the “agent” extension number, which (when enabled) will prompt the agent for their Queue password.

*3 Use the current extension assigned to the phone to log off from the Queue For example, if the phone displays extension 7000, and we dial *3, extension 7000 will be used to log off from the Queue.

*54 Log in with a prompt to enter the extension number.. Allows a queue agent, to use any phone to log into the queue with their own extension number.

*56 Log out with a prompt to enter the extension number. This log out method, will prompt the agent for the extension number to log out.


When a phone (desk phone or softphone), the agent status report will indicate whether the user logged in or out using the phone. Also note that using phones to log in or out of Queues logs users in and out from all Queues the users belong to. Using HUDweb or the Admin Panel enables login/logout by Queue.


The Queue Summary report provides a summary of all Queues by default and can be filtered to select Queues.


The Queue Details report provides filterable insight into each call that was processed by the Queues.


The Abandoned Calls report lists calls that left a Queue and their reasons, such as:

  • Caller hung up the call

  • Caller dialed a “keypress” to exit the Queue

  • Caller exceeded the Queue time (set in your call menus) and exited via timeout


The Caller Details report provides the complete details for each call that went into a Queue.


The Agent report provides the complete details for each call with an Agent.


The User/Agent report provides the complete details for each call that went into a Queue.


The Audit Log provides administrators with a detailed history of changes performed on the system—from updating/modifying a user (on an administrative level) or a user setting up his/her ring device and/or Find Me Follow Me settings.

The Audit Log is useful when a feature/call route isn’t functioning as expected, allowing you to determine and reverse changes. This ability can be particularly helpful when you have a very complex Inbound Call Routing and need to determine which menus or sequences were changed.

Using the Audit Log can augment ongoing training for Admins or users as well. When problems are identified and reversed, the log provides the ability to identify the Admin/ user and provide him/her with information on how their changes affected the system.


The Settings section provides access to system-related settings such as setting up key codes, performing bulk uploads, or setting up an Active Directory on the system.



Key Codes
This is a list of the Key Codes currently set on the Admin Panel by default.


Key Codes
This is a list of the Key Codes currently set on the Admin Panel by default.


*888 Conference Center

Simply dial 888 and listen to the prompts.

*0  Operator

Dialing 0 will usually take your call to your “main” call menu

*67 Night Mode 

*67 will enable / disable night mode

*855 Check voicemail, own extension

*855 allows a user to check their own voicemail via their own extension/phone

*850 Check voicemail, others extension

*850 prompts for an extension number to check another user’s

*86 Leave voicemail directly

*867000 (for example) goes directly to the voicemail for extension 7000 (you can also use a group extension number)

*75 Page (single extension, or group extension)

*757000 (for example) would page extension 7000 (you can also use a group extension number)

*74 Intercom (single extension, or group extension).

*747000 (for example) will intercom that extension 7000 (you can also use a group extension number) [Note: Be cautious using group intercom. If your phones are close together you could create “feedback” (i.e., the sound created by putting a microphone right next to a speaker). This can be disruptive.

Instead, stick to group paging, as this will not initiate the microphone, except when paging a single phone via its own extension.]

*88  Call Stealing

*887000 (for example) will intercept the call ringing at extension 7000 and let the user that dialed the key code answer it

*41 Hotdesk login

*417000 (for example) will log a user into a phone set to “hotdesk” and will let the user place/receive calls to that phone

*43 Hotdesk logout

*43 logs you off

*70 Park call globally

*70 parks your call globally (every extension in every site can see it),and prompts the “parker” with the retrieval extension

*71 Park call on site

*71 parks the call in YOUR site only

*72 Park call on department

  • parks the call IN YOUR department only

*1 Log into all queues

*1 uses the extension number on the device to determine your Agent “ID” and log you into your queues

*54 Log into all queues, using another device

*54 logs you into the queues using another phone (this is not the same as hotdesking) [Note: You can use  1 to log into a hotdesk phone, after logging into hotdesk, using  41 <extension number>.]

*50 Log into all queues, with call forwarding

*50 log into the queue for extensions that only do call forwarding

*5 Check status of log in (queue) “not roaming”

*5 lets you check your queue login status (Note: If you’re logged into any queue (and a member of many) it will state “logged in” even if you are not logged into all of your queues

*55 Check status of log in (queue) “roaming”

 *55 checks your queue login status when using into phone that is not your own assigned device, but are roaming

*3 Log out all queues

*3 logs you out of all queues

*56 Log out all queues, roaming

 *56 logs you out of all queues when using a different phone

*66 Monitor queue call

*667000 (for example) will start monitoring extension 7000 (only applies to queue calls)

*22 Barge queue call

*227000 (for example) will barge extension 7000 (only applies to queue calls)


The Bulk Upload page, allows you to import data via spreadsheets to populate various parts of the system, such as:

  1. Create all users including their assigned (where applicable):

  • Phone Numbers

  • Devices/phones

  • Sites

  • Voicemail passwords

  • CommUnity passwords

  • Assigned licenses

  • Caller ID

NOTE: The Bulk Upload feature can be used to add users or Queues but cannot make changes to existing entries.

  • Groups with assigned members

  • Queues with assigned members

  • Departments

  • Additional Sites

  • Assign users to roles (user permissions, etc.)

In order to assign roles, they would first have to be created on the Admin Panel prior to your bulk upload. You can also download the template via the Download Template button on the top right corner of the page to ensure you have the correct layout and format. (Note that you do not have to convert the document into another format. Simply download the template, open in your favorite spreadsheet program, fill in the document, save it, and upload it “as is.”)

Each time you execute an upload, you will receive an email with a “transaction ID” that can be used on the Bulk Upload page to review the successes/failures. When failures occur, you’ll be provided with information on items in need of correction.


The Active Directory page allows you to sync to an Active Directory.


  •  Click the Create button on the top right corner of the main page (see screenshot above) to access the following page:

  •  Simply fill out the required information to set up an Active Directory.


The Active Directory Sync page allows you to run certain queries against your Active Directory.


The Help page provides the phone number to call when you need assistance. It also provides you with currently released version of your software.

The Support Request button at the top right of the page lets you submit a ticket directly to our support team.

The Support Request section also lists your “phone support key” — a 5-digit identification number you can provide to support agents when you call in for assistance.





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