Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - Folders and Files Created During Installation
Directory Structure
After installation of IMG and IMGUserInterface software onto the GCEMS server, the following folders are created. Below is a diagram on what folders are created and where they are located. Below the diagram is information on some of the notable folders.
/opt/dialogic/common directory
During each day, files are generated in the IMG under multiple folders that show the status of the IMG. Files such as log files, stat files, and configuration change files just to name a few are rolled over into the backup folder. Each day at approximately 1:30 am, the backup folder directory is zipped up and sent to the zipfiles folder. At this point, the files in the backup folder are wiped out and a new set of files will begin to accumulate in this folder.
Cacti_bin (10.5.0 +)
This folder contains the perl scripts that will retrieve the data from the stats folder. The stats will then get plotted as a graph for the user to gather. Cacti is a graphing application that is similar to MRTG.
In Clientview under the physical node, the user can configure the IMG to run a Call Trace of a specific IMG. Once this is configured all call trace logs are stored in this folder. The filename is of the following format.
Holds all configuration files needed to configure the system. The system.cfg and the default.csa files are stored in this folder. Below is a list of configuration files stored in this folder.
system.cfg --> File used by GCEMS to configure the IMG
default.csa --> File used by Clientview to configure the IMG
Imports --> CAS Variants stored in XML format
Routing --> IMG resource and route tables used for routing
Variant --> Used to store SS7 Variants
Working --> Each time the configuration is changed in ClientView a configuration file is saved here.
During the installation, if a system.cfg file already exists, it will be renamed system_<DATE_OF_INSTALL>.cfg.
This folder holds the license files that the IMG accesses during configuration. The license files naming convention is as follows:
Contains all current log files that are generated. Support Personnel may request specific log files from this folder when troubleshooting a problem. See IMG 1010 - Log Files.
Stores report output files.
This folder contains the files that are used by MRTG and Cacti (10.5.0). The files are also used to send call data to display the Channel Group Stats in ClientView. Data such as Temperature, Fan Speed, CPU Usage, Incoming and Outgoing Calls are among just a few of the statistics being logged in this folder. All files are stored as .csv files.
Contains vocabulary index files, vif.csv, and img_vocab.dat files which are all used when playing treatments or announcements
This folder stores the dictionary and dictionary.cantata files. These file are needed when configuring a Radius Server for use in Authentication and Accounting of Calls coming into the IMG. The dictionary.cantata file contains Dialogic-specific VSA’s for Accounting and Authentication.
This folder contains the perl scripts that will retrieve the data from the stats folder. The stats will then get plotted as a graph for the user to gather
This folder is used to store different crontasks needed by the user.
The SNMP folder is used to store the standard MIBs supported. Below is list of the supported MIBs.
Supported MIBs |
rfc 2233.mib |
rfc 2493.mib |
rfc 2494.mib |
rfc 2863.mib |
rfc 3877.mib |
rfc 3895.mib |
rfc 3896.mib |
standard.mib |
/opt/dialogic/IMG directory
GateControl EMS
The GateControlEMS in this folder is a link to the version of software being used. This is the current version of IMG software running on the GCEMS server. See Below when user enters ls –la command. This link points to the correct version of software being used since there can be multiple versions and builds of software loaded on the GCEMS server.
GateControlEMS--> /opt/dialogic/installs/IMG_10.5.1.10/GateControlEMS
GateControlEMS--> /opt/cantata/installs/IMG_10.3.3.195/GateControlEMS
The IMGUserInterface file in this folder is a link to the version of software being used. This is the current version of ClientView running on the GCEMS server. See Below when user enters ls –la command.
opt/dialogic/installs directory
This folder contains a subfolder for each version of GCEMS and ClientView software you have downloaded. It also contains the following utilities that allow you to change or delete the running version of GCEMS:
ChangeGCEMSVersion --> Running this script allows the user to change the software version being run. For Example: During troubleshooting a particular problem a Support Personnel needs to resort back to a previous build, the support personnel would run this script which makes it very easy to switch between versions of software.
DeleteGCEMSVersion --> Running this script will completely delete all aspects of a particular software build. Once this script has been executed, the version of software being removed will no longer be accessible.