Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - GCEMS - Install Required Packages
This should all be done as a root user.
$Password: excel2 (root password)
Install packages via CentOS Repository \(follow this step if an internet connection is accessible on CentOS server).
[root]# yum install compat\-libstdc\++\-33.i686 kexec\-tools fipscheck device\-mapper\-multipath sgpio perl\-Convert\-ASN1 python\-dmidecode imake emacs libsane\-hpaio tftp\-server freeradius festival audit net\-snmp\-utils mesa\-libGLU\-devel xorg\-x11\-utils httpd vsftpd dhcp tigervnc* wireshark wireshark\-gnome ksh
Install packages via local Yum Repository (follow the steps below if an internet connection is not accessible on CentOS server).
Build a local repository, Download the Everything ISO.
Mount your CentOS 7 installation DVD. For example, let us mount the installation media on /mnt directory.
The CentOS installation DVD is mounted under /mnt directory. Next install vsftpd package and let the packages available over FTP to your local clients.
Change to /mnt/Packages directory.Install vsftpd package, for instance.
Enable and start vsftpd service.
Create a storage location in our FTP server pub directory.
Install "createrepo" package, for instance.
Copy all the files from CentOS DVD(s) (i.e., from /mnt/Packages/ directory to the "localrepo" directory).
Once you copied all the files, create a repository file called "localrepo.repo" under /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory and add the following lines into the file. You can name this file as per your preference.
Add the following lines:
Use three slashes (///) in the baseurl.
Start building local repository.
Clean the yum cache and update the repository lists.
Alternatively, you can install packages only from the local repository by mentioning the repository as shown below.