Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - SIP ENUM

Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - SIP ENUM


The IMG supports ENUM E2U+sip to resolve an ENUM telephone number into a SIP URI.  With ENUM native SIP users, even at different VoIP service providers, can call each other directly without ever touching a PSTN service which can result in faster connection times and lower phone charges.

ENUM facilitates the interconnection of systems that rely on telephone numbers with those that use URIs to route transactions. E.164 is the ITU-T standard international numbering plan, under which all globally-reachable telephone numbers are organized.


RFC 3764 enumservice registration for Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Addresses-of-Record


This feature is required when:

  • a user is calling from the PSTN through a PSTN-SIP gateway and the gateway is expected to map routing information from the PSTN directly on to SIP signaling.  

  • a native SIP user intentionally initiates a call addressed to an E.164 number.

  • Although this task is also accomplished by SIP Proxy Servers, there is value in adding the ENUM behavior in the IMG gateway as a way to minimize the proxy’s activities and centralize the number translation functions in the UA.

  • Application servers may initiate SIP calls destined to end users and transiting through the IMG.



  1. Configure ENUM servers with the ENUM Server pane.

  2. Configure a SIP Channel Group.

  3. Configure a IP Network Element

  4. Configure a Route Table.

  5. Add a Route Entry with the Outgoing Channel Group pointing to the ENUM Channel Group.

Call Tracing

Indication of Feature function:  

CLI will display a query being sent to the ENUM Server as well as the response from the ENUM Server.

Indication of Feature rejection:  

CLI will display an error that the ENUM Query has failed to the following:
Entry does not exist.
Query timed out

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