IMG 1010 - Message Waiting Indicator - SIP to SS7

IMG 1010 - Message Waiting Indicator - SIP to SS7




Feature 1580 adds to the IMG the ability to accept an incoming SIP NOTIFY request (outside of a subscription) which has the parameters Event type = message summary and Content Type = application/simple-message-summary and interwork these messages into an SS7 network using TCAP messaging. SIP uses the SIP Specific Event Notification (Notify) as a mechanism to transport the MWI message through IP and the IMG then inter-works the Notify message along with its Event Package Name "simple-message-summary" to the SS7/Outgoing side. The IMG then receives a response from the SS7 network and inter-works this response to the SIP network and sends the response out in the 200 OK message. This feature supports RFC 3842 section 5.2 only. This feature was initially added in software version 10.5.2 but was supported using the ANSI protocol only. In software version 10.5.3 the MWI functionality for ITU was added. For more information on this feature, see Related Topics below.


Call Flow Diagram:

SIP to SS7:


Call Trace Example (Incoming SIP):

14:17:47.393 CALL(SIP) (00:00001:00)

                        ---> [, 5060]

                       NOTIFY sip:8473339552@ SIP/2.0\r\n


                       Via: SIP/2.0/UDP\r\n

                       Max-Forwards: 70\r\n

                       From: sip:8003330002@\r\n

                       To: sip:8473339552@\r\n

                       Call-ID: 1-2464@\r\n

                       Cseq: 1 NOTIFY\r\n

                       Contact: <sip:8003330002@>\r\n

                       Content-Type: application/simple-message-summary\r\n

                       Content-Length:    42\r\n


                       Messages-waiting: yes\r\n

                       Voice-Message:  1/0

14:17:47.393 CALL(SIP) (00:00001:00) RCVD NOTIFY from udp

14:17:47.393 CALL(SIP) (00:00001:00)      with Via sent-by:

14:17:47.393 CALL(SIP) (00:00001:00) NOTIFY request without matching subscription

14:17:47.393 CALL(SIP) (00:00001:00) SENT Route Control to L4

14:17:47.393 CALL(L4)  (00:00001:00) RCVD Route Control from SIP

14:17:47.393 CALL(L4)  (00:00001:00) Accessing Route Table 2

14:17:47.393 CALL(L4)  (00:00001:00) Accessing Resource Table 1

14:17:47.393 CALL(L4)  (00:00001:00) SENT Route Control Ack to SIP

14:17:47.393 CALL(SIP) (00:00001:00) RCVD Route Control Ack from L4

14:17:47.393 CALL(SIP) (00:00001:00) Session Group Profile ID is 1

14:17:47.393 CALL(SIP) (00:00001:00) Messages-Waiting: yes

14:17:47.393 CALL(SIP) (00:00001:00) SENT Service Request to GCL

14:17:47.393 CALL(GCL) (00:00001:00) RCVD Service Request from SIP

14:17:47.393 CALL(GCL) (00:00001:00) Incoming Channel Group = 12 [Workstation]

14:17:47.393 CALL(GCL) (00:00001:00) Invoke TCAP MWI Service

14:17:47.393 CALL(GCL) (00:00001:00) Stack 0x00 SSN 0xf7 Dialog 0x00000001

14:17:47.393 CALL(GCL) (00:00001:00) SENT PPL Event TC Query w/Permission Primi tive Set to TUSI

14:17:48.473 CALL(GCL) (00:00001:00) RCVD PPL Event for TCAP dialog 0x00000001

14:17:48.473 CALL(GCL) (00:00001:00) PPL Event TC Response Primitive Set

14:17:48.473 CALL(GCL) (00:00001:00) Dialog primitive TC Response

14:17:48.473 CALL(GCL) (00:00001:00) Component primitive TC Result L

14:17:48.473 CALL(GCL) (00:00001:00) MWI TCAP SUCCEEDED

14:17:48.473 CALL(GCL) (00:00001:00) SENT Service Response to SIP

14:17:48.473 CALL(SIP) (00:00001:00) RCVD Service Response from GCL

14:17:48.473 CALL(SIP) (00:00001:00) SENT 200 OK NOTIFY to UDP

14:17:48.473 CALL(SIP) (00:00001:00)

                        <--- [, 5060 <-, 5060]

                       SIP/2.0 200 OK\r\n

                       Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;received=


                       Call-ID: 1-2464@\r\n

                       From: sip:8003330002@\r\n

                       To: sip:8473339552@;tag=a94c095b773be1dd6e8d


                       Contact: <sip:8473339552@>\r\n

                       CSeq: 1 NOTIFY\r\n

                       Server: Dialogic-SIP/ 1010_NODE_0 0\r\n

                       Event: message-summary\r\n

                       Content-Length: 0\r\n


TCAP Query w/Response (ANSI)

Hex Representation                                                                


LSByte......MSByte   83 00 07 07 07 46 aa 01 09 80 03 0b 10 08 89  

LSByte......MSByte   00 f7 48 37 33 59 25 05 c3 f7 07 46 aa 2d e2  

LSByte......MSByte   2b c7 04 10 2b 00 01 e8 23 e9 21 cf 01 01 d0  

LSByte......MSByte   02 8a 01 f2 18 aa 16 84 09 06 00 11 0a 48 37  

LSByte......MSByte   33 59 25 84 09 0c 00 11 0a 08 30 33 00 20     

Checksum   CRC 16............   1001101100111011  hex=9b3b


Decoded Message

octet 003 Service information octet


Network indicator.   N National network


 Service indicator.   SCCP Signalling Connection Control Part


Message priority..   0


octet 004 Routing Label


DPC: Net-Clstr-Mbr   007-007-000 STP0


OPC: Net-Clstr-Mbr   170-070-007 SG


SLS...............   1


octet 011 SCCP Message type


Headers H1/H0.....   UDT   Unitdata


Protocol class....   0


Message handling..   Return message on error


Pointer-> Called #   3


Pointer-> Call'g #   11


Pointer-> Data....   16


octet 016 Called Party Address


Parameter length..   8


SSN indicator.....   Address contains a Subsystem Number


SPC indicator.....   No Signalling Point Code in Address


Global Title......   GT includes Translation type


Routing basis.....   RoutingBasedOnGlobalTitleInTheAddress


Address indicator.   Nat'l address, coded to nat'l specification


Subsystem name....   ?     SSN not known/not used


Translation type..   Translation type


Address digits....   8473339552


octet 025 Calling Party Address


Parameter length..   5


SSN indicator.....   Address contains a Subsystem Number


SPC indicator.....   Address contains Signalling Point Code


Global Title......   No Global Title included


Routing basis.....   RoutingBasedOnLabelDPC&SSNinCalledNumbr


Address indicator.   Nat'l address, coded to nat'l specification


Subsystem name....   ?     Spare/Network Specific


SPC: Net-Clstr-Mbr   170-070-007 SG


octet 031 SCCP user data


SCCP data length..   45


octet 032 Calling Party Address


Package type......   QURYP Query,W/ permission,Nat'l,constructr


Total TCAP length.   43


Transaction ID....   Transaction ID Identifier, Nat'l, primitive


Xaction ID length.   4


Originating ID....   16788240


octet 040 Dialogue/Component Portion


Portion Identifier   Component Sequence


Component length..   35


Component Type Id.   INVKL InvokeLast, National, constructor


octet 043 TCAP Message, Component portion


Component length..   33


Component ID ident   Component ID identifier, National, primitive


Compon't ID length   1


Invoke ID.........   1


Op Code identifier   National TCAP, National, primitive


Op Code length....   2


Operation family..   Report Event


Reply required?...   Yes, reply required


Op specifier......   Voice Message Available


octet 051 Parameter Tag


Parameter Tag.....   [18] Private/Constructed


Parameter Len ....   24


octet 053 Parameter Tag


Parameter Tag.....   Service Key


Parameter length..   22


octet 055 TCAP Parameter


Parameter Ident...   Digits


Parameter length..   9


Digit type........   Destination Number


Nature of number..   No Presentation Restriction, National


Encoding..........   BCD odd number of digits


Numbering plan....   ISDN Numbering Plan (Rec E.164)


Number of digits..   10


Address digits....   8473339552


octet 066 TCAP Parameter


Parameter Ident...   Digits


Parameter length..   9


Digit type........   VMSR Identifier


Nature of number..   No Presentation Restriction, National


Encoding..........   BCD odd number of digits


Numbering plan....   ISDN Numbering Plan (Rec E.164)


Number of digits..   10


Address digits....   8003330002



CRC 16............   1001101100111011  hex=9b3b

Additional Information:

  • This feature does not support outgoing SUBSCRIBE message and will not generate an outgoing NOTIFY message with content type application/simple message-summary.

  • Maximum Number of TCAP dialogs is limited to 32768.

  • IMG will accept incoming NOTIFY request outside of a subscription as long as Event is message-summary and Content-Type is application/simple-message-summary.

  • IMG will return a 484 "Subscription does not exist" for any NOTIFY requests with Event and Content Types being something other displayed above.

  • Request for TCAP Service sent from NOTIFY shall contain user information from R-URI and FROM: URI in UPDF format.

  • Notify shall send a 200 OK or 4xx/5xx response based on response sent from SS7 side.

  • Feature 1580 MWI will not support outgoing SUBSCRIBE.

  • IMG Software version 10.5.2 supports ANSI only for this feature. In software version 10.5.3, support for the ITU protocol was added.

  • Gate Control Layer will create a unique dialog ID for the TCAP request. The ID will be 4 bytes long. First two bytes are used for a counter and last two are used to store NODE ID:

  • A timer is enabled after Gate Control Layer sends PPL Event Request to SS7. If no Event Indication is received after a timer expires the Gate Control Layer will send a clear to SIP. (4xx/5xx)

  • IMG will not generate an outgoing INVITE with TCAP request.

  • F-1580 Message Waiting Indicator is supported with SS7 redundancy.

  • If configuring a service such as CNAM or MWI on multiple IMG nodes, the SS7 Stack ID's cannot be configured with the same ID. For example, when configuring an IMG Node 0 with stack ID's 0 and 1 then any other IMG Nodes configured under any Logical Node can not have any of the stacks configured with the same ID's (0 or 1). By doing so, the TCAP services cannot be configured.

Related Topics:

IMG 1010 - Configuring Message Waiting Indicator - SIP to SS7

IMG 1010 - Subsystem Number


IMG 1010 - GCL Services

MWI - (SIP/TCAP Interworking)

IMG 1010 - Adjacent Translator

IMG 1010 - GCL Service

IMG 1010 - SS7 Route

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