Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - Configuring ISDN Signaling

Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - Configuring ISDN Signaling



Overview: (NFAS)

Follow the procedures below to configure a D-Channel on the IMG using NFAS (Non Facility Associated Signaling). Once the D-Channel is configured then the B-channels can be configured under the Channel Group Pane.

Previous Task:

IMG 1010 - Configuring T1 or E1 Bearer Spans - 10.5.x (10.5.x and above)

IMG 1010 - Configuring T1 or E1 Signaling Spans - 10.5.x (10.5.x and above)

IMG 1010 - T1 Physical Span - 10.3.x (10.3.x)

IMG 1010 - E1 Physical Span - 10.3.x (10.3.x)

Configuring a D Channel using NFAS

Note: Below is procedure on how to configure ISDN with NFAS. The procedure can be followed for configuring ISDN with FAS also. The difference is in FAS there will be a d-channel configured on every span.

  • Right Click on the Physical IMG:Name ID:0 object pane in ClientView and select New Signaling.

  • Right-Click on the Signaling object pane in ClientView and select New ISDN. An ISDN D-Channel object will get created. See screen capture below.

  • To create the D-channel, right-click on the ISDN D Channels object pane just created and select New ISDN D Channel. The ISDN D-Channel Pane will get created. See Below

  • Complete the fields as required. Below are explanations for each field

    • Primary Interface - Offset - This field is a drop down menu that contains all the spans configured. Select from the menu which span the D-Channel will get configured on

    • Primary Channel - Select from drop down menu which Channel the D-Channel will get configured on. (Default is Channel 23)

    • NFAS Supported - Select Yes from drop down if NFAS is being configured. Select No if configuring FAS

    • Secondary Interface - Offset - Use this field to configure a secondary D-Channel if applicable. From drop-down menu select which span the secondary D-Channel will get configured on. The Default is "Not Used"

    • Secondary D-Channel  - If configuring a secondary D-Channel select which channel the secondary D-Channel will get configured on. The Default is "Not Used"

    • Base Variant - Select from the drop down menu what the Base Variant will be used. Verify that the correct side is being configured. (Either User or Network).

Note: Depending on which Base Variant is being configured will dictate how many B-Channels can get configured. Below is a list of the variants supported and number of B-Channels that can get configured for each. The table below does not include the span that the D-Channel is configured on.

 Number of Spans Configurable per Base Variant (T1):

BASE VARIANT (Network or User)

B-Channels IMG 1010

B-Channels IMG (1004)

National-ISDN 2 (NI2)

20 Spans (479 Channels)

4 Spans (95 Channels)


10 Spans (239 Channels)

4 Spans (95 Channels)


10 Spans (239 Channels)

4 Spans (95 Channels)

Northern Telecom DMS-100 Q.931 PRI

10 Spans (239 Channels)

4 Spans (95 Channels)

Northern Telecom DMS-250 Q.931 PRI

10 Spans (239 Channels)

4 Spans (95 Channels)


10 Spans (239 Channels)

4 Spans (95 Channels)

Net5 Q.931 (10.3.3 ER2)

10 Spans (239 Channels)

4 Spans (95 Channels)

 Number of Spans Configurable per Base Variant (E1):

BASE VARIANT (Network or User)

B-Channels IMG 1010

B-Channels IMG 1004


10 Spans (319 Channels)

4 Spans (127 Channels)

JATE (INS 1500)

10 Spans (319 Channels)

4 Spans (127 Channels)


  • B Channel Selection - Select from a drop down menu how to access the B-Channels. The Default is Linear Clockwise.

  • HDLC Bit Polarity - Select from drop down menu whether Bit Polarity is Normal or Inverted.

  • Network Side Layer 2 Overide - Used for Indication of Network or User Only.

  • Location - The value populated in the Location parameter in the Cause IE when a call is released. See Table Below.




(0x0 - Message Generated by User) (default)

Private Network

(0x1 - Message generated by private network serving the local user)

Local public network

(0x2 - Message generated by public network serving the local user)

Transit network

(0x3 - Message generated by transit network)

Remote public network

(0x4 - Message generated by public network serving the remote user)

Remote private network

(0x5 - Message generated by private network serving the remote user)

International network

(0x7 - Message generated by international network)

Network Beyond Interworking Point

(0xA - Message generated by network beyond inter-working point)


At this point the D-Channel has been configured. The next few steps will explain how to create the B-Channels that will be controlled by this D-Channel just configured.

Configuring B-Channels

  • Right Click on the Dialogic IMG EMS object pane and select New Routing Configuration.

  • Right Click on Routing Configuration object pane and select New Channel Groups.

  • Right Click on Channel Groups object pane and select New Channel Group. The Channel Group Pane that appears has a lot of information. See IMG 1010 - Channel Grouplink for information on each field. The two fields that have to be filled out are as follows:

Name: Enter a name that identifies this Channel Group

Signaling Type: Select ISDN from the drop down menu

  • Right Click on the ISDN Channel Group created and select New ISDN Group. See IMG 1010 - ISDN Group link for more information on how to fill out this pane. The one field that needs to be configured is the ISDN D-Channel field. This field will have all the D-Channels configured along with what span it is on. Select which D-channel you would like to configure.

  • Right Click on the ISDN Group and select ISDN Circuits. This is the pane that the B-Channels will get configured on. See screen capture below of B-Channel Pane

  • Populate the fields. Below is brief description on each field

    • IMG Interface- Select from drop down menu whether the b-channels will be configured on a Bearer Span or a Signaling Span. The Default is Bearer

    • Start Interface Offset- Select the Starting Span. This is usually the same span that the D-Channel got configured on previously

    • Start Channel- Select the Starting Channel

    • End Interface Offset- Select from drop down menu the last span that the B-Channels will get configured on.

    • End Channel- Select from drop down menu ending channel

    • Start Facility Number- The number of the first Facility in the group. Defaults to 0 and counts up from there

Note: In the example above the Base Variant selected was NI2. On the IMG 1010 this Variant allows 20 spans of B-Channels to be configured. Other Variants will allow less. See Base Variant Table above for reference. Start Interface Offset = 0
End Interface Offset = 19

  • Below the Start Facility Number are monitoring fields.

    • Trunk Type- T1 or E1 will be displayed

    • B-Channel Count- Number of B-Channels. In this example:

    • (20 spans * 24 Channels = 240 Channels)

    • (240 Total Channels - 1 D-Channel = 239 B-Channels)

    • Channel Count- Total Number of Channels including D-Channels

  • At this point you have configured a D-Channel controlling 239 B-Channels.

Next Task

IMG 1010 - Configuring ISDN Routing

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