Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - SS7 Link

Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - SS7 Link

Table of Contents


This object identifies an SS7 link within an SS7 link set to an APC.

Accessing this Pane:

Dialogic IMG EMS -> Logical IMG -> Physical IMG -> SS7  -> SS7 Stack -> SS Link Set -> SS7 link

Maximum Objects:

IMG 1010 = 64 per Logical IMG

IMG 1004 = 4 per Remote Node


Note on SS7 Functionality on the IMG 1004: With each new software release Dialogic has added new SS7 functionality to the IMG 1004. See timeline below:

• Release 10.5.1 – Ability to act as a remote SS7 node and terminate up to four links. (F-1406)

• Release 10.5.3 – Full SS7 functionality. (F-1446)

Related Topics:

IMG 1010 - Configuring SS7 Signaling - 10.5.1

Technical Notes:

When configuring a SS7 Link, the following happens:

An SS7 link is assigned on a specific channel/offset. The link will go into the alignment procedure trying to align and come in service.

SS7 Specifications for IMG 1010 and IMG 1004

ClientView Pane :

Field Descriptions:

Primary/Secondary (10.3.x - 10.5.0):

This field specifies whether the SS7 link is supported by the primary or secondary physical IMG.

  • Primary

  • Secondary

Link ID:

This field specifies the SS7 link ID. Select from drop down menu. Link ID 0 – 63 are allowed for the primary physical IMG, while link ID 64 – 127 are allowed for the secondary physical IMG.

IMG (10.5.1+):

This field has a drop down menu with all IMG's configured. Select the Physical IMG that the link being created will be associated with.

Interface - Offset:

This field specifies the physical offset (span) on which the SS7 link will be configured.


This field specifies the channel from the physical offset (span) chosen in the previous field on which the SS7 link will be configured.

Signaling Link Code:

This field specifies the SLC of the SS7 link. SLC is unique across any SS7 link set with a range of values of 0 – 15.

Data Rate:

This field specifies the data rate of the SS7 signaling link.

For T1 SS7 links with line coding configured for B7ZS, only the 48 Kbps data rates are valid.

  • 64 Kbps

  • 56 Kbps mask LSB (The Least significant bit is masked resulting in 56 kbps)

  • 56 Kbps mask MSB (The Most significant bit is masked resulting in 56 kbps)

  • 48 Kbps mask LSB and MSB (The Least and Most significant bits are masked resulting in 48 kbps)

  • 48 Kbps mask 2 MSBs (The 2 Most significant bits are masked resulting in 48 kbps)

Electrical Interface:

DS1 Channel

DS1 Channel Data

Monitoring Fields:

Link Status:

This monitoring field displays the status of the SS7 link whether it is in or out of service.


In Service:

This buttons brings the SS7 link in service.

Out Of Service:

This buttons takes the SS7 link out of service.


This buttons inhibits the SS7 link.


This buttons uninhibits the SS7 link.

Display Table:

This table displays a list of the configured SS7 links under a specific SS7 Link set.

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