Dialogic IMG - IMG 1010 - SIP Virtual Address
Table of Contents
Use this pane to configure a SIP Virtual IP Address for SIP Based Load Balancing.
Accessing this Pane:
Dialogic IMG EMS -> Logical IMG -> Physical IMG -> Signaling -> SIP Signaling -> SIP Virtual Address
Maximum Objects:
2 per SIP Signaling object
Related Topics:
IMG 1010 - SIP-Based Load Balancing - Virtual IP Address
IMG 1010 - Configuring SIP-Based Load Balancing
IMG 1010 - SIP Signaling Object
IMG 1010 - IP Network (Interface)
ClientView Pane:
Field Descriptions:
SIP Virtual Address ID:
The SIP Virtual Address ID is automatically populated with next available ID. ID's range from 1-2
SIP Virtual IP Address:
This drop-down will be populated with any CPU Network Interface entries that have Gratuitous ARP and ARP Responses set to Disable. Select the desired entry. When the Gratuitous ARP and ARP Responses is set to Disable, this Virtual IP Address will not be allowed to issue a Gratuitous ARP. In addition, whenever an external node attempts to send an ARP to this Virtual IP Address, the ARP Reply will be suppressed.
Any node that knows the MAC address associated with this Virtual IP Address (through static configuration as used in Load Balancers) will be able to send packets to it. The Virtual IP Address will be able to send packets to any desired node since ARP Requests from the Virtual IP Address for an unknown IP’s MAC address will be allowed.
For all outbound SIP requests, the real SIP Signaling IP Address is used to send SIP messages, even if the outbound transaction is within a dialog which had previously used the Virtual IP Address.
IP Virtual Port:
Default = 5060. Can be changed by clicking in the IP virtual Port field and enter new port number.